18 Dec 2021
New Featured Artist: siromaru
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: siromaru

by pishifat

Spreading his wings to soar into basically every rhythm game in existence, siromaru finally flies into our Featured Artist collection!

You might know siromaru from his collaboration with Cranky on conflict — a song that's practically become a staple for rhythm games these days. siromaru's works dive deep into a lesser-known techno genre called "Schranz", leading his tunes to take on a form that can't be replicated by anyone else in the rhythm game realm.

From SOUND VOLTEX and maimai to Arcaea and now osu!, siromaru enters the Featured Artist library with 20 outstanding tracks, all available from his Featured Artist listing!

If you're looking for a sample of siromaru's work (and you've already played through conflict), explore Gensou Kaiki no Omochabako through its unconventional slidershapes in the video below, then hop into any of the other awesome songs that are up for grabs:

siromaru - Gensou Kaiki no Omochabako

Experience the map from the video mapped by UberFazz and ScubDomino!


Team Grimoire vs. siromaru - Glasya-Labolas

Flex your keyboard slamming prowess with this osu!mania beatmap hosted by FAMoss!


INNOCENT NOIZE - Reverse Clock

Or bash some drums to this osu!taiko beatmap hosted by iceOC!


siromaru + cranky - conflict

While this song was already featured with Cranky's announcement back in the day, feel free to bask in its awesomeness anyway with any of these beatmaps:


Finals are over, so you're out of excuses. Roll your way onto siromaru's Featured Artist listing, pick your favourite song, and pour your entire winter break into learning how to map.

Speaking of winter break, there's only one more artist coming up before our Christmas special! We can 100% guarantee that you'll want to stick around for it, so keep your gaze locked on the @osugame Twitter for when it's revealed. See you soon.



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mee too

you like honkai?

is she a he or what

Schranz master

Noice I quess?




holy shittt

needed more conflct


Next xi and TG soon

if we have siromaru, does that mean xi and sakyuzo will soon follow?

epic man 2 luxSal

xi and sakuzyo have appeared in some fa listings before so i think that they both have a chance (unless if xi said no to being featured independently)

SilentWuffer epic man 2

considering robeats got xi its very possible you of all people should know this

wait team grimoire


wait team grimoire


wait team grimoire

they forget linking conflict mania diff :')

is this real? siromaru joins osu community!!


oh shit the xi collab song is here as well

conflict (VIP Version)

epic man 2 FAMoss

conflict (Camellia Remix)

conflict歌います。ズォールヒ~~↑wwwwヴィヤーンタースwwwwwワース フェスツwwwwwwwルオルwwwwwプローイユクwwwwwwwダルフェ スォーイヴォーwwwwwスウェンネwwwwヤットゥ ヴ ヒェンヴガrジョjゴアjガオガオッガwwwじゃgjj




Conflict really is going to be on every rhythm game ever LOL


lets gooooo

Finally a FA name I recognize. Damn.


Finally a FA name I recognize. Damn.