2 May 2021
osu! Beatmapping World Championship 2021: Registrations Open
by Chaos, Imakuri, Mafumafu, Milan-, Nozhomi, Pachiru and Zeus-

osu! Beatmapping World Championship 2021: Registrations Open

by Chaos, Imakuri, Mafumafu, Milan-, Nozhomi, Pachiru and Zeus-

Attention to all mappers! osu! Beatmapping World Championship 2021 is on the horizon!

People say the third time is the charm, and here we are announcing the third iteration of osu! Beatmapping World Championship. We've got to make this one count, everyone!

Having all the judges, participants and guests enjoy the spirit of the contest is the primary goal we've set to achieve. Therefore, we have taken your feedback to heart and applied certain changes to get us closer to this very objective.

Without further ado, let's have a look at what has changed!

Team Formation

Similar to the last year's edition, teams will be formed based on the country they represent. However, this year, multiple teams can be formed to represent a particular country. If multiple teams are created within a single country, only the team with the highest score amongst them will proceed with the contest upon the first round.

These teams may consist of 3-6 members, where all the members must come from the same country per their osu! profile. Each team can only be created and named by its Team Captain, who will act as the primary point of contact between the team and the contest staff. For Captains to form their teams, all participants must be logged in to our website beforehand. Otherwise, they will not be displayed on the Team Creation page.

Once their Team Captain selects team members, each member will need to accept the invitation to join that team. Contest staff will later finalise the team creation once everyone accepts their invitation and the team name is approved. Before that, Captains are free to change members and the team name.

Contest Format

The contest has four rounds. Unlike last year, we will be hosting an accumulative leaderboard to grant participating teams more chances to prove themselves.

As mentioned above, only the highest-scoring team of a particular country will participate in the second round. Therefore, we will announce the results of the first round. However, the rest of the results will be kept confidential and will only be announced after the conclusion of the final round, during our livestream. There will be no eliminations after the first round.

Each round, teams will be awarded a certain amount of points by the judges evaluating their entries. Obviously, these hard-earned points will not go to waste! Behind the scenes, these points will be added up with one another in the leaderboard, and the grand total will determine the final placement of the respective team.


If you recall, we were previously looking for judges, details of which can be found in this newspost. We have received dozens of applicants over the span of a few weeks, and for that, we would like to thank you for your interest.

We have closed the osu! mode judge applications for this edition as of today, so if you're a latecomer, try to make it earlier next year. For multi-mode judges (osu!taiko, osu!catch, and osu!mania), applications are still open - if you're interested, fill out the application form right away!


Keep in mind that schedules are subject to change if necessary.

Event Timestamp
Registration Phase 2021-05-02/2021-05-16
First Round - Mapping phase 2021-05-17/2021-05-31
First Round - Judging phase 2021-06-01/2021-06-15
Second Round - Mapping phase 2021-06-16/2021-06-30
Second Round - Judging phase 2021-07-01/2021-07-15
Third Round - Mapping phase 2021-07-16/2021-07-30
Third Round - Judging phase 2021-07-31/2021-08-14
Fourth Round - Mapping phase 2021-08-15/2021-08-29
Fourth Round - Judging phase 2021-08-30/2021-09-13
Results Announcement & Livestream 2021-09-15


We couldn't announce it as a contest if there were no prizes, could we? Well, here they are everyone! The prizes are as follows:

Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown 8 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge, entries fast-tracked over to the qualified section
Silver crown 6 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge
Bronze crown 4 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge
Players' Pick Winner 2 months of osu!supporter tag, unique profile badge

Note that Players' Pick and top 3 prizes can be added together if a team wins both prizes!


Done reading and looking for where to register? You're at the right place! If you want to take part as a contestant, all you need to do is to log in to our website!

For those wishing to form their teams as Team Captains, click here to create your team!

Everything related to the contest and beyond can be found on the forum thread, wiki article and the official website. To keep yourself up-to-date, feel free to follow us on Twitter and join our Discord server!

—Chaos, Imakuri, Mafumafu, Milan-, Nozhomi, Pachiru and Zeus-


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mi pan su su su su


oh, oh no.

BRUH ;-;

sususs amongus

join team DRAGON

time to spectate as a mapper

Random.org badge*

imagine players pick profile badge




Here we go boys, good luck to all!

ну ничё ничё


Can a country have more than 1 team per mode to participate in this contest?

pw384 Lott

read the announcement, yes, but only one team will proceed over round 1

Lott pw384

Actually, I knew it before you replied :P
Thanks for the info!

electric boogaloo

Good Luck!

how do the map??

here we go again

players pick my nose badge

Good luck!


so true

hi im mapper

no way

EnuHQ SaltyLucario

another one


fucking safe haven meet up

Woood13 EnuHQ

no way

olsonn EnuHQ

no way

any mappers in here

momoyo olsonn


players pick profile badge




