6 Mar 2021
New Featured Artist: Empty Peperoncino
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Empty Peperoncino

by pishifat

Empty Peperoncino jumps into the Featured Artist lineup!

Hopping in with a new taste of Japanese rock, Empty Peperoncino is a net-based doujin band comprised of vocalist Ranko, lyricist Masato Ito and composer Ryota. Delivering an upbeat experience paired with high energy vocals, these tracks could easily be compared to our very own *namirin or Aitsuki Nakuru while leaning more towards classic band instrumentation.

We've rounded up 9 bright 'n' shiny new tracks from Empty Peperoncino's currently released album and EP, sure to scratch that J-rock itch.

Looking for a sample? Give Hazu-'s mapset of End Roll a try, or watch Kingling attempt it with some of lazer's unranked mods:

Check out a few previews, plus some new showcase maps:

Ame ni Utaeba

Check out this showcase set with difficulties by coco, captin1, Deca, and Leader of the Mappers' Guild!


Kimi no Na no Monogatari


Hoshifuru Yoru ni


Hopefully not a surprise to anyone, these tracks and a handful more are now available from Empty Peperoncino's Featured Artist listing, already timed and patiently waiting to be picked up by a mapper (that's you!).

The week may be over, but we're nowhere close to done with our Featured Artist releases! Check in next week to see a few more awesome artists, or follow the @osugame Twitter if that's more your thing.

Until then!



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Does anybody have the skin from the video? thanks.

pointing Vaduur

that's the default lazer skin

that sounds really cool

Can someone send me this skin?

Wait one second! If I comment "who" I am funny right!


Wait why is no one laughing?

how do i dislike a comment

When I saw "vocalist Ranko", I thought it was gonna be the BUTAOTOME vocalist, lol


those lazer mods r super sick

I love it, they sound so good! <3

This sounds so good, thanks for another great FA!




Пустой перец, ясно

big if large


big if large