2 Oct 2021
New Featured Artist: DJ Raisei
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: DJ Raisei

by pishifat

DJ Raisei steps up to bat as our newest Featured Artist!

On today's episode of osu!'s Got Talent, Japanese producer and 6-digit osu! player DJ Raisei proves without a shadow of a doubt that osu! players are actually good at something other than clicking circles. Filled with every aspect of speed, emotion, and insanity, DJ Raisei's soundscape is a paradise for the tech mapping world that you really wouldn't want to miss.

10 of these incredible tracks are up for grabs from DJ Raisei's Featured Artist listing, each sporting a unique form of complexity that begs for beatmaps across the difficulty and creativity spectrums.

Realazy's massive mapset of ISOMERZ (DJ Raisei + seatrus) - Symmetric with guest difficulties from 8 different mappers showcases exactly what we're talking about. Explore that through the video and check out the rest of the songs below:

DJ Raisei - ⊿23


DJ Raisei - Cafe + M!lk + Chocolate


ToYou & DJ Raisei - ADHD


DJ Raisei - Nucleo Synthesis


There are two things connecting all of these songs:

  1. They're available on DJ Raisei's Featured Artist listing with pre-timed beatmap templates.
  2. They're awesome.

If that isn't enough reason to open the editor and begin your map, we'll have to fire everyone from osu!'s non-existent marketing team. Say goodbye or start mapping already.

And that's all for now! Next week's Featured Artist announcements will be focused on CAPITAL LETTERS. Don't ask why. We won't tell. We'll publish all the details on the @osugame Twitter though, so keep a finger on that.

See you on Wednesday!



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Welcome to Osu!

no way that a goat is a featured artist

Hold up, DVRST is next featured artist?

Coppertine Coppertine

maybe not..

DJ Ralsei more like DJ "Rais" deez nuts!

woah no way ralsie from deltarun e!!!!!!1!1!1!2!1!

Getting Camellia vibes from Symmetric


From a magician to a musician

dj ralsei :flushed:


Galaxy- Corne2Plum3

no way ralsei from off topic forum!


DJ Raisei commented on this map!

dj ralsei

Anyone wanna try collabing on ⊿23 for mania chart with me?


I find dj ralsei via pending realazy map

1 day later:


I love it when new artists are featured in osu! Our community is growing and it makes me happy

Welcome to Osu!


aaaryh DJ Raisei


Galaxy- DJ Raisei

already loving this new FA

McEndu DJ Raisei

hello ral- banished by a mysterious force



amazing music!

Ixcors Ixcors

amazing artist though!! absolutely love this music


oh sick

this is why you should never underestimate low rank players

dj ralsei

good heavens this music doth be slapping

Ephemeral Ephemeral

deltarune commenters will be banished to the shadow realm

Farfocele Ephemeral

delta- gets banished to the shadow realm

