by pishifat
Yuyoyuppe thrashes their way into the Featured Artist roster!
Considered by many as a founding father of vocaloid rock/metal, Yuyoyuppe is a DJ, producer, and singer with an incomparable library of creative works. While he launched into the music scene over a decade ago with an iconic combination of vocaloid emotionally heavy rock, he's since expanded into pop and techno pieces under the alias DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING, and has made major contributions to the composition and arrangement for songs performed by the immsensely popular band BABYMETAL.
We've managed to secure 18 tracks from their Yuyoyuppe and DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING aliases (plus 3 more tracks from their older MOtOLOiD listing). We can guarantee that you'll recognize at least a few of them, like Palette or Leia.
One of these tracks is already iconic among osu!'s speediest players: Hidamari no Uta mapped by Seto Kousuke. We asked yasen (the highest ranking player on the map's leaderboards) to show us his streaming limits as part of a quick song preview below:
Looking for more?
Here's a few awesome mapsets to soak up:
Check out this 2014 mapset hosted by Irie Miyuki!
Check out this mapset hosted by Seto Kousuke!
Check out this mapset also hosted by Seto Kousuke!
Check out this mapset hosted by Seto Kousuke or this other mapset hosted by HatsuneMikuFEET (who desperately needs a name change).
Check out this old-school set hosted by Mafiamaster!
If you're looking for something a bit more relaxing, check out this mapset by Xexxar!
Or if you're looking for a different game mode this osu!taiko mapset hosted by Gemu- or this osu!mania mapset hosted by LLENN- might be for you!
Yuyoyuppe's Featured Artist listing — This is the link you're looking for. Start mapping from any of the pre-timed templates. Good luck.
Curious about what's up next? We've got another Featured Artist on the way this Saturday, so keep an eye out over on the @osugame Twitter.
See you then!
catJAM intensifies
And that's a sick play from yasen!