by pishifat
Highly expressive singer and voice actor Natsume Itsuki joins the Featured Artist lineup!
Known for handling essentially all types of vocal atmospheres and moods, Natsume Itsuki is the Tokyo-based talent responsible for 1/3 of vocal trio La prière and her own self-released music that intersects outstanding vocals and a variety of rhythm game styles.
We've snagged just about every song (19 in total) from her four-album-discography, so check it all out from her Featured Artist listing!
Natsume Itsuki is a new name to the osu! scene despite creating music that perfectly checks all the boxes for music loved by osu! players. To see what we mean, check out a quick double-mouse-only sample of her music below, as well as some awesome showcase maps created by members of the Mappers' Guild:
Or play through this multi-difficulty marathon mapset designed by Hinsvar of the Mappers' Guild (and featured in the video above)!
Play through this mapset by SMOKELIND of the Mappers' Guild!
If you're looking for something easier, this mapset by -Aqua of the Mappers' Guild will satisfy your craving.
And if you're looking for something accessible to all types of players, this mapset by Garden is worth your time.
Dive into the rest of Natsume Itsuki's catalogue through her Featured Artist page chock-full of pre-timed beatmaps for songs that are soon to be among your favourites. That's assuming they aren't already your favourites, of course.
Is it even possible for us to slam more extraordinary music down your earholes? You can be the judge of that this Saturday when we announce yet another cool Featured Artist. Stay tuned into the @osugame Twitter for details on that and we'll see you again soon!