21 Aug 2021
New Featured Artist: Wiklund
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Wiklund

by pishifat

Retro composer Wiklund climbs on board as our latest Featured Artist!

What began as a kid in his bedroom messing with dusty gameboy sounds has transformed into Swedish producer Wiklund's old-school chiptune music. Taking inspiration from the "demoscene" and 80's synthpop, his songs harken back to a simpler time of distance snap and grid-based mapping. Oh, and 8-bit video games, I guess.

We've snagged 10 classics for mappers to dive into, including everything from Wiklund's nostalgic album Wing Beats — a favourite of mappers from the olden days, and one of osu!'s first album-focused beatmap projects. Check it all out from Wiklund's Featured Artist listing!

Experience some of Wiklund's music for yourself with this 2009 map of Billy Boogie as seen through the display that 100% of osu! players were using a decade ago. Once you're done with that, maybe explore the rest of these previews too:

Billy Boogie

Check out the beatmap from the video above hosted by yeahyeahyeahhh and this other beatmap hosted by IceBeam!


Whip the Blip

Play through another classic beatmap hosted by Ultimate!


Joy of Living

Try out this beatmap by 0_o! People had some interesting usernames 10 years ago.


The Digital Force

Enjoy yet another beatmap by Metroid!


Wing Beats

Have fun with the first ranked Wiklund map hosted by v0xtrot!


Crystal Dimension

Last but not least, check out this beatmap hosted by GladiOol!


Surprising absolutely nobody, even more of Wiklund's music can be found on his Featured Artist listing! Will you be the first person to make a dissonant slider-heavy tech map over retro chiptune music? Nobody's asking for it, but we'll wish you luck anyway.

That's all for this week! Next week we'll be jumping back with a couple Japanese artists with polar opposite genres to showcase. Stay tuned to the @osugame Twitter for updates on that and we'll see you soon!



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What is the skin?

Umm the featured artist the same genre is Chromna i think

oke i like it

i have no clue who wiklund is...
but, rejoice we are able to preserve history

yessss i loved it

I legitimately thought that was autoplay at first which weirded me out because these videos were always played by a human, God that aim is so beautiful

-Aku FlowyYQ

mugio3 <3

metaroom wheb

au5 when

Smh moko

love this artist songs

holy shoot it's featured old map yoooooooo

wiklund was an unexpected one, holy fuck.
can someone rank a version of makeshift clone now :[



Cool video to accompany the new FA.




holy pog

any fellow 2009 mappers in chat

Will he be making any new music?

taiko convert players from the past - rise up!


I actually love to heard that new

i feel old listening to this

I keep thinking Wiklund is the guy who made PAYDAY 2 soundtrack


shirobon & sabrepulse fa when

ColdTooth epic man 2

I would have a field day.

gothicwvlff ColdTooth


This one is great

Omg joy of living, great song

gothicwvlff HEAVENLY MOON

omg NINJAni!!!!!!

god this takes me back


