by pishifat
A savant of anything and everything about bass, nora2r joins the lineup as our latest Featured Artist!
Any music you've been listening to recently is about to be overshadowed by the intensity of nora2r's hardcore techno sound. His journey began from playing rhythm games as a kid, inspiring him to compose music and eventually make his way into some of the world's most popular rhythm games like jubeat and SOUND VOLTEX.
As of today, his sound is officially ready for osu! too.
We've gathered 16 tracks from the boss of bass, including the song most appropriate for his reputation: B.B.K.K.B.K.K. If you're somehow unfamiliar with this classic, watch bze play a map of it in the video below (and check out the other showcased maps!):
Play through the mapset above by Nozhomi or this older mapset by rezoons.
Check out any of these 5 mapsets:
Try out this osu!taiko mapset by _yu68 or this osu!catch mapset by JBHyperion!
Give either this 4K osu!mania mapset by Draftnell or this 7K osu!mania mapset by Kamikaze a play!
As per usual, everything above plus so much more is available now from nora2r's Featured Artist listing. If your upstairs neighbor's been dropping bowling balls lately, mapping any of these bass-pounding songs through your speakers is the scientifically-proven best form of revenge.
You may have noticed that we've been releasing a lot of artists for the past few months, and we regret to inform you that... we won't be stopping any time soon. Even if you need a break, the Featured Artist train rests for no one. That said, keep up with the @osugame Twitter for info on next week's artists!