Yep, it's xi.
Usually we'd write some stuff here to hype up how cool this artist is, but like... do we even need to?
Let's be honest. If you've ever clicked a circle, you know who xi is. FREEDOM DiVE has been the go-to beatmap for high BPM streams for nearly a decade and Blue Zenith has cursed generations of osu! players through the existence of a simple 3 digit number.
It's absurd how much of osu!'s history is built around xi's piano-based musical prowess, and we're incredibly happy to finally have them on board as one of our Featured Artists!
With an artist as monumental as this, we grabbed as much music as we feasibly could. xi's Featured Artist listing houses 42 tracks in total, including classics and newer pieces alike.
That's enough words. Watch chocomint (a.k.a. Cookiezi) set a legendary play that has lived rent-free in everyone's heads for the last 7 years:
Point your fingers at any of these maps:
If Blue Zenith is too slow for you, try one of these:
Yeah, even more maps:
And who would've guessed that there's even more maps:
Try out one of these maps from every game mode:
We're running short on ways to ask you to play maps, so just play these already:
We're definitely not running short on maps to showcase though:
Play through any of these climactic maps:
Believe it or not, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There's even more maps of xi's music available to play that we can't reasonably fit in this overflowing list!
Statistically speaking, it should be preeeeeeetty obvious that xi's music is PERFECT for beatmapping. Once you're done playing all these maps, feel free to create your own artcore masterpiece through any of the beatmap templates on xi's Featured Artist listing!
And with that, the Featured Artist program will be taking a quick break until 2022.
We'll bring things back with some current Featured Artist updates at the start of next year, then we'll run full-swing back into our usual schedule.
Thanks for sticking with us for all this time. We can assure you that we'll bring even more awesome artists to osu! next year.
Stay tuned. :)