8 Mar 2021
Skinning Contest: Announcement
by RockRoller

Skinning Contest: Announcement

by RockRoller

Skinners, this one is for you! Create your finest skin! Why? Because it is your time to shine!

Skinning has been one of the most notable features of osu! since forever. Whether it be an elegantly designed anime-themed skin, or a super simple and minimalistic one, everyone has their own favourite. However, the very creators of these masterpieces still remain unknown by many people. Therefore, now it is time for the skinners extraordinaire to come forth and show off their skills!

Hosted by one of the largest skinning communities, skinship, the contest is apt for both experienced and inexperienced skinners, with no theme restrictions whatsoever. In other words, everyone is allowed to join with a skin of any theme!

Are you interested in joining but new to skinning? Fear not! Nearly everything you need to know is available at our skinning tutorial. If you need further assistance, feel free to visit the skinning forums and consult other fellows!


If you're reading this, you're probably interested in participating too. So let's dive into it!

In order to participate in the contest, you will have to create a brand-new skin all by yourself, ready to compete against skin creators from around the globe!

In addition to the skin, you need to prepare a forum thread accommodating it. That's right, you can't just submit your skin file and run away, but also need to present your skin in a forum post however you like. Said forum thread must be located under the Skinning WIP subforum.

Since all entries will have their respective forum threads publicly available, contestants and their submissions will not be anonymized. In fact, we encourage you to show off your work as much as you wish!


After the submission phase is over, the entries will be made available for community voting.

The results of the community voting will determine the winner of the contest. Entry with the most votes wins!


"When?" you say? Right here and right now! The dates will become clearer, just pay attention to the following.

  • Submission: 4 weeks starting from the release of this news post
  • Voting: 2 weeks starting from a separate news post


Please pay attention to the following bullet points, as violating any of these rules may result in disqualification.

  • Submissions must not contain inappropriate, malicious, or epileptic content, and should adhere to the osu! community rules.
  • All assets need to be created by yourself, or used with permission and proper credit to the authors. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • fonts
    • icons
    • textures
    • artworks (e.g. stock images or anime artwork)
    • sounds
  • The majority of the in-game menu interface and at least one game mode have to be skinned. In other words, in addition to the gameplay elements, the following segments shouldn't be left default:
    • Ranking Panel
    • Song Selection (excluding the mode selection)
    • Mod Icons
    • Pause and Fail Menu
    • Main Menu is optional, but highly encouraged
  • Submissions must be new creations, only skins posted within the submission period will be accepted.
  • Each submission must be accompanied by a forum thread in order to participate in the contest.
  • Submissions must be made in time. Latecomers will not be accepted.


Obviously, we couldn’t call it a contest if there were no prizes, but worry not! The prizes are marvelous, and surely you’re getting excited to see them the further you read. Without further ado, behold, the prizes!

The creator of the winning entry will be awarded 6 months of osu! supporter tag for their success! However, it’s not only that. They will also receive a shiny new profile badge to show the world who’s the boss (of skinning)! The design of this badge will be based on the winning entry, for our winner to pridefully exhibit their token of success!

Despite falling short of achieving the most votes, becoming a runner-up is no easy task. Therefore, we will be compensating the efforts of the 2nd-place holder with 4 months of osu! supporter, too!

We hope you’re still reading, because we’re not finished! There’s still one more spot on the podium, and we can’t just let them go without a prize. Achieving the 3rd place will be rewarded with 2 months of osu! supporter!

Hopefully, these prizes will encourage our fellow skin creators a little bit. May the best skinners take the podium!

That would be all!

You're still waiting? Hurry up and start skinning, those hitcircles will not paint themselves! Once you're done with the job, head to the contest page and submit your entry, and... you know the drill.

If you do have any questions, you may refer to the wiki article and feel free to drop a post under this forum thread, or ask away on our Discord server!

Until then!



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Who won guys

where can i see the winners?

who won?

who is the winner

nothing yet?

I can't find the post to vote on. Shouldn't it be out by now?

-frito- Platypoctopus

the vote post should come out 2 weeks after a separate post about submitting

That's what I thought but wouldn't it be out by now?




tfw it's all yellow cursors

The Listener Tvriple

always has been

Wndryy- Tvriple

that's.. right

009 Tvriple

sadly truth



cool so in 4 weeks ill find another skin to use for a day then blame it for me playing bad

yo skinning contest siicckkkk

notannie Ticaronda


Kusoa notannie




horrible kids skin

peppy theme skin when

Yay I get to do nothing and criticize people's amazing work knowing nothing about skins WOOOOOOO Good Luck Have Fun

Good luck to y'all who are participating, can't wait to see the skins :)

Elite Skinner title when

Can't wait to see some premium waifus on some premium skins whilst I'm clickin some premium circles!

good luck to participants

Bet 2% accuracy not a single entry will preserve all of the default skin's eye candy.

i need to start properly also is it fine to collab with a friend? i cant do menu stuffs but gameplay elements

from the faq in the forum thread:

Q: Can I collab with someone else?
Technically yes, however, the prizes can not be split. Whoever makes the forum post takes it all.

Riae RockRoller

he's fine with it ill just buy him 3 months if he wants, thanks!

Monke skin?


am i allowed to use the default hitsounds?

RockRoller 1e1001


Gass Lah Anjay

Supri_ hewan berotot

aowkaowkoawk sini gw tes

Wkwkwk Oke Deh

AbimaOnOSU hewan berotot

buatin ntar ane testernya aokoakoawkaowkwa

Anyone else waiting for Jesus Omega to enter? Or is it Just me?

FoxyCrow My_Rhapsody

No just u :D

Elemental(fire, water, air, plants) clean(cartoon) skin ^^

Dundee Kum0h


But to non-sups main menu is effectively left default?

RockRoller McEndu

that is why it is optional, but highly encouraged

Varvalian "my combo" breaksound. KEKW

Yes yes yes yes owo

I really need Toyama Kasumi skins so bad.
I'll vote them for sure <3

Falling Sun Aikyuu-Chan


is it allowed to make multiple submissions?

RockRoller Saiyku

no, everyone can only have one submission

Saiyku RockRoller


is this a mating call for me? owo

also, who are the judges? i wanna know how screwed i'll be with judging bias

quila h3oCharles

yep its a mating call x3

there's no judges, its community vote out of all entries

ok, cyperdark wins by default if he submits anything /s

please send me a taiko one

Naverlyn Vulkin


tatatat Vulkin


Can we upload a skin we made, like, several years ago? Because I don't know if I could make a better skin tbh

BB20C0 Nifty

"Submissions must be new creations, only skins posted within the submission period will be accepted."

Nifty BB20C0


pretty sure that's a no

this should be interesting

nneed girls last tour skin


welp, time for komori and jesusomega to win since cyperdark quit stable skinning

someone make a nerfipitou and link me it pls not a bad one from 2011, ty

omg yes.

BlackY AO dopht


This will be interesting.

yay :D another contest I'll tell myself "I'm gonna do it and do great! These prizes are worth it!" and then simply not do it for no reason other than I'm really lazy

Looks fun!! >~<


Looks fun!! >~<