by pishifat
Grynpyret makes waves as our latest Featured Artist!
Ever since their own brand of eccentric melodies took root on SoundCloud in 2014, Grynpyret (pronounced "green parrot") has been pioneering the electronic music sphere. Their sound is a blend of relaxation and peculiarity, involving a calming blend of sound samples you won't find in any other music.
We've scored 9 tracks this time around, including the cult classic behind Boba Beach hosted by VINXIS.
Experiencing these songs for yourself is the best way to really do them justice, so try watching Feiri play Boba Beach with osu!lazer's new Barrel Roll mod or check out the rest of the samples below:
Try this osu! set also hosted by VINXIS!
Everything above plus a decent chunk more are available from Grynpyret's Featured Artist listing with timing all done in advance! While these songs may not be the high intensity tracks you've come to expect from rhythm games, they're all treats well worth tasting.
That's all for now, but there's always more on the horizon. Our next release includes a pretty hefty batch of songs, so listen closely to the @osugame Twitter for news on that and a few more special things we've got in store.
Until then!