23 Jan 2021
New Featured Artist: Geoxor
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Geoxor

by pishifat

We're proud to welcome Geoxor, our latest Featured Artist!

Creating timeless electronic hits from his bedroom for the better part of a decade, Geoxor is a Greek producer with an undeniable talent for high energy, euphoric melodies and eardrum-pounding bass.

We've hit the motherload with 33 total tracks, ranging anywhere between glitch hop to drum & bass. With a sound comparable to the likes of our very own Featured Artists Panda Eyes and Teminite, there's no doubt you'll find something to your taste.

Don't take our word for it though. Preview a few tracks to see if Geoxor is your cup of tea, or see how his music translates to mapping through Zer0-'s mapset of Stardust, as demonstrated by the differences between 2 digit and 6 digit gameplay.

Panda Eyes & Geoxor - Lucid Dream


Geoxor - Nana


Geoxor - Moneko


Any new maps on your horizon? Skip a few steps by heading to Geoxor's Featured Artist listing and downloading any of the pre-timed beatmap templates. One of them might even come packed with an autograph by Geoxor himself! But probably not. They're just maps, sorry.

That's all for now, but make sure to keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter for more info about next week's Featured Artists (and your precious pp updates).

See you next Wednesday!



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how didn't he even get removed from FA... wtf

yukenao MrRainbowDogedeleted

he was revealed to be a pedo

https://twitter.com/Geoxor/status/1573381204761526272 however,he apologized and proving that Bonndubz was saying real things to him,but he didn't even mention about quantities of horrible things he did to ari,nilly,angel,... and many other minors.

i've lost all my respect to this guy

very silly coolishic

if u really cared u would just do it without the upvotes lmao

coolishic very silly

ofc,i think i'm dumb.

VoidMan coolishic

Go cry, little kid

coolishic VoidMan

lol bozo

what a cool featured artist, i sure hope he doesn't do any shady stuff

VoidMan Duskyui

What a cool guy, i hope he isn't a little kid

coolishic Duskyui

no. He's a pedophile and groomer.

Zymasis39 coolishic


[MG] Disturbia coolishic

he was joking. he already knows it. also comment by epic man 2 says it all about him

TofuDoriftu epic man 2

Came here to see if anyone has already posted this. I do hope osu staff does the right thing

[MG] Disturbia epic man 2

Same. Waiting for Geoxor to be removed from the featured artists. Newgrounds already banned him. Your move, osu!

Let's hope we don't have such cases in the future, with the other verified artists. We never know what can happen next

VoidMan [MG] Disturbia

Go cry

epic man 2 [MG] Disturbia

I remember there being some controversy when Sewerslvt and DGK got featured but they were mainly past events from a long time ago (some really edgy and harmful material in songs and plagiarism respectively), but this case seems really different especially considering that it emerged less than a few hours ago so i’m just gonna wait to see what would happen since I think this is the first time something like this incident had happened with a FA.

Geoxor Squad ❤️ ❱•❰

ariimaws bf :00

coolishic molly sweet

fucking stop joking

AmethystXx coolishic

dude, the post was 2 years ago before geoxor was exposed.

oh and where to download

lol just 1 miss thats all


lets goo

FINALLY ❤️ ❱•❰


LemKuuja btw?

OH SIIIIII estaba esperando a que un artista mío colabore con osu <3 a hacer mapas!!!

хорош чувак

Geoxor the best!!!!

Он лучший!!!

all ultra bard players STAND UP!

Dude I love Geoxor, amazing


omg finally

My favorite music in OSU!!!!!!!!!





Let’s gooooo! I love this artist 🔥


My favorite artist ❤️ ❱•❰

que bien, viva este gran DJ

let's goooo ❤️ ❱•❰

Finally Geoxor Lets goooooo


Congrats Geoxor! Glad he made it




YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS <333333333333333333333333

So glad to see he made it here!

dreams actually came true

Love Geoxor didnt expect to him on osu . NIce

lmao Geoxor in osu bruh moment
when Excision in osu

I'm so EXCITED, Geoxor is one of my favorite artists!!!


YEEESS. Finally, I love listening to his tunes


YEEESS. Finally, I love listening to his tunes