by pishifat
osu! player and modern music pioneer miraie rolls in as our latest Featured Artist!
Those of us who grew up in the osu! neighbourhood may be more than familiar with miraie already. He runs a half-million-subscriber YouTube channel where he produced countless osu!-related videos a few years back.
Recently miraie has been exploring new territory. He's taken a deep dive into music production (beyond his infamous Gucci Gucci Literature Club bootleg mashup), most notably with success as a vocalist and producer in the hyperpop genre.
17 of these new songs are available from miraie's Featured Artist listing, all prepped for you to start mapping!
Ever wondered how an osu! player thinks about music? Wonder no more since we interviewed miraie the other day about exactly that. Check it out and preview some of his stellar tracks below:
Try playing this osu! mapset hosted by Mayflower!
Aiming to become one of osu!'s first hyperpop mappers? Head on down to miraie's Featured Artist listing and give mapping a stab with any of the pre-timed beatmap templates. We strongly recommend starting with the song feelings for reasons you can figure out for yourself.
Today's release is done and dusted, but if you're looking for more artists, we've got another scheduled for this upcoming Saturday! As per usual, news on that and whatever else we throw your way can be found on the @osugame Twitter.
See you later this week!