by pishifat
We're proud to introduce our newest Featured Artist Aiobahn into the mix!
Hopping between electronic-themed Japanese pop and English EDM, Aiobahn is a South Korean genre-fusing producer and DJ with practically limitless talent. Launching his career through releases on Japanese net-labels and later advancing into the worldwide spotlight through a Rocket League track released through Monstercat, Aiobahn continues to impress year after year.
We've managed to secure 11 stellar tracks from their catalogue, all freely available from Aiobahn's Featured Artist listing for your endless mapping needs.
Looking for a taste of Aiobahn to get started? Dive into the osu! mapping handbook through this video below or check out any of these other cool mapsets:
Play through any of these beatmaps:
Or check out one of these beatmaps:
Play through the super popular loved osu! difficulty by hehe!
Head to Aiobahn's Featured Artist listing to find the rest of these masterpieces, all pre-timed and ready to be launched into the mapping and modding world by none other than you.
We know it's sad to see the end of an artist announcement, but hold back your tears because we've got another artist set for launch this Saturday! Keep your eyes focused on the horizon (also known as the @osugame Twitter) for more upcoming info on that. We'll see you in a few days.
lets gooooooooooooo