16 Oct 2021
New Featured Artist: Lexurus
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Lexurus

by pishifat

Lexurus climbs the ranks as our latest Featured Artist!

Residing in the liquid drum & bass paradise (otherwise known as the Netherlands), EDM producer Lexurus has been mastering his craft for the better half of a decade. Some of you might recognize his works from High Tea Music, one of our first Featured Artist label collections, or more recently through his countless releases under major drum & bass label Liquicity.

We rounded up 11 relaxing yet captivating tracks for you to slap some beatmaps onto, all available from Lexurus's Featured Artist listing!

Lexurus's sound is familiar to anyone who keeps an eye on osu!'s drum & bass scene. If you're not in the loop however, you're lucky — you can indulge in the ephemeral feeling of listening to Lexurus for the first time. See what that's like through drum & bass aficionado Strategas's newest beatmap in this video, then check out the other previews below!

Take Me Away

Experience the beatmap above for yourself!


About You (feat. Luna)

Try out this beatmap hosted by Niva from Lexurus's High Tea Music collection!


Magnify (feat. Rhode)


Out Of Love (feat. Leah Rye)


Treat yourself to even more awesome music through the pre-timed beatmap templates on Lexurus's Featured Artist listing. Maybe if you're dedicated enough, you could even become a drum & bass aficionado just like Strategas.

Wondering when our next Featured Artist is on the way? We could tell you... or you could keep track of the @osugame Twitter to find out. (Spoiler: it's Wednesday.)

See you then!



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Yo soy nuevo pero me parece de los mejores mapas


While we train finger muscles he trains neck muscles xD

if no feint FA, i will feint

-Aku Farfocele

please stop


Yorushika when?




Keeno when :^)

Mga kababayan!!! Kamusta?!

Oh yes, Take Me Away surely is a banger indeed. I hope they will put it in the next monthly beatmapping contest, can't wait!

Feint FA

Qingque Farfocele


Maduk and Justin Hawkes featured artist wen?

Huuuge! Great to see more liquicity artists getting some attention here






