by pishifat
Drum and Bass legend Andromedik steps on stage as our latest Featured Artist!
Anyone familiar with the Drum and Bass scene is aware of Belgian producer Andromedik. Continuously growing year after year, he's the creator behind countless energetic and mood-rich tracks that got him recognized for his quick improvement through the World's Best Newcomer prize in 2019's Drum and Bass Arena Awards.
15 tracks are up for grabs from Andromedik's Featured Artist listing, all sporting a classic 174BPM and the quintissential liquid Drum and Bass feel.
Words can't describe music nor how well Andromedik fits osu! mapping, so take a look at BOUYAAA's fancy rendition of Andromedik x Itro x Polygon - Fly with even fancier approach circles in the video below!
Check out this new showcase map hosted by BOUYAAA!
Play this nearly 2-million-play osu! map hosted by Mirash!
Need more? Andromedik's Featured Artist listing has it. And even though you probably don't need it for these songs, they're all pre-timed too!
Looking forward to the new artist announcement next Wednesday? Too bad. We're instead announcing some new tracks from our current Featured Artists! Spam F5 on the @osugame Twitter for more info on that and we'll see you next week!