26 Jun 2021
New Featured Artist: Andromedik
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Andromedik

by pishifat

Drum and Bass legend Andromedik steps on stage as our latest Featured Artist!

Anyone familiar with the Drum and Bass scene is aware of Belgian producer Andromedik. Continuously growing year after year, he's the creator behind countless energetic and mood-rich tracks that got him recognized for his quick improvement through the World's Best Newcomer prize in 2019's Drum and Bass Arena Awards.

15 tracks are up for grabs from Andromedik's Featured Artist listing, all sporting a classic 174BPM and the quintissential liquid Drum and Bass feel.

Words can't describe music nor how well Andromedik fits osu! mapping, so take a look at BOUYAAA's fancy rendition of Andromedik x Itro x Polygon - Fly with even fancier approach circles in the video below!

Andromedik x Itro x Polygon - Fly

Check out this new showcase map hosted by BOUYAAA!


Andromedik - Invasion

Play this nearly 2-million-play osu! map hosted by Mirash!


Andromedik - Your Eyes


Feint x Andromedik - I'll Be There (feat. Cammie Robinson)


Need more? Andromedik's Featured Artist listing has it. And even though you probably don't need it for these songs, they're all pre-timed too!

Looking forward to the new artist announcement next Wednesday? Too bad. We're instead announcing some new tracks from our current Featured Artists! Spam F5 on the @osugame Twitter for more info on that and we'll see you next week!



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I love this artist!

why does the ar bounce in the video like that

New mod in Lazer

Thanks Andromedik for sharing your music. And to all the mappers out there, thanks for keeping osu a smooth journey, and not a pp grind. <3 (If we just pretend like 1k pp play's havent happend yet) :]

I think that Invasion used to be a default map in osu? One of the pre-downloaded maps

If they start featuring liquicity and UFK, i swear i'mma come back on this game

Involute philia1

more liquicity and UKF would be absolutely huge

Secretpipe philia1



goes on DRMye. Ubisoftmworks bye bAlways Stea

I love Andromedik, this is big stuff

DNB lets go

maduk when?

Involute Fursum

This needs to happen

Jonbaron Fursum

WORD! We need some more of Maduk
His Liqucity year mixes are always so well executed. And some of his sets are / festival appearances are fkin awesome. Like '' Maduk - Rampage 2018 ''

Yo I want that so bad



Love this dude

this is a dream come true

lets go so many great songs


This is historic.





big pog

EDM squad is getting bigger <3


that's big circle ever i saw


ok this is epic

Ephemeral Altai

no it's andromedik we've had epica already

Farfocele Ephemeral

ok muscle seagull

Duskyui Ephemeral

we've had epica but we don't have epic yet

Xnery Ephemeral


