28 Aug 2021
New Featured Artist: Release Hallucination
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Release Hallucination

by pishifat

Release Hallucination is unleashed as our newest Featured Artist!

Shining the spotlight on osu!'s gothic rock sound, Release Hallucination is a progressive metal band with a dark symphonic twist. Comprised of singer/lyricist Emi and composer/producer/guitarist Kaoru, the duo is evolving their genre with smoothly intertwined ideas from unexpected realms like jazz and modern classical music.

We've picked up 20 tracks from their discography stretching back to 2012, all of which are craving to be mapped from Release Hallucination's Featured Artist listing.

Release Hallucination's song Chronostasis is likely a familiar track to players across all modes. If you're somehow not part of the cool-osu!-players-club though, feel free to experience the song through 3 of its beatmaps in the video below, then check out the rest of these powerful previews:


Play through any beatmap from the video above:



Experience this new osu!taiko map hosted by Heaxys and this new osu! map by Zelq of the Mappers' Guild!


Lovers in Abyss

Try this experimental osu! map hosted by Deramok!


Deus ex Machina


We're sure that all your usual needs and desires have disappeared by now. The only thing you want to do today is visit Release Hallucination's Featured Artist listing and put 100% of your efforts into designing a new beatmap for these monumental tunes. For your own health, we hope you're a fast mapper.

And that's all for now! Keep an eye or two on the @osugame Twitter for details on the two talents being announced next week. Until then, enjoy your mapping-filled weekend!



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can we petition to maybe do something very kind to seni I mean I feel like he doesn't get enough representation..

idk if this is satire or nah but this is 2021 and pretty sure seni's map did not exist back then

honne [MBR] VTSeele

he needs this...........................

Welcome to osu!




fuck mania ig

WinterIsPretty SilentWuffer

lol, mania has no maps by the artist btw

SilentWuffer WinterIsPretty



no way

yes yes yes yes yes


i'm not dreaming isn't it?
kudos for picking them, they are very underrated artist. been rooting for them for a long time.


Time to map Nightmare Outbreak



i never heard of them, but im sure they're good

How can I download the beatmaps
Pls help me

ayoko ElainaSimper

log in to the osu website. you are probably still a guest on the website.

you dumb

How many chronostases would we get

the snare drum on ariadne and deus ex machina is unbearable

TheKingHenry Genjuro

have you heard of our lord and savior St.Anger :^)

Vulkin Miku Hatsune

is that shiten pog


DR3AMLiKE Miku Hatsune


lets go

very nice

I love chronostasis


This song is really great :D

omg anime metal

@Wishkey let's go

Wishkey TheKingHenry

First symholic and now this what a year so far lets goooooo


