27 Feb 2021
New Featured Artist: Extra Terra
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Extra Terra

by pishifat

We're proud to announce Extra Terra as our latest Featured Artist!

No cyberpunk future would be complete without the sounds of Extra Terra blasting 24/7. Despite only producing music for a few years, his works have made a massive impact on the cyberpunk/synthwave scene through a few album releases and continent-crossing tours.

10 futuristic themes by Extra Terra are on the menu today, stretching from old to new across his entire discography. With a catalog of songs that even reach back to mainstream EDM styles, there's bound to be something for each and every mapper to soak up.

Speaking of catalog, some of these songs have already seen a bit of love from the osu! community, such as Spacecraft mapped by Pandize. Check out how a top player fares on this map using only mouse, or preview some of the more modern tunes below:

Extra Terra & Urbanstep - Lost In Time

Try playing this map hosted by NazuSan!


Extra Terra - Retrobot


Extra Terra - Sensei


Extra Terra - Man or Machine (feat. Megan McDuffee)


If you know what's best for you, you'd head over to Extra Terra's Featured Artist listing to see what other pre-timed songs are available for mapping. There's no turning back.

And that's all for now! We'll be back again next week with two more Featured Artists, so keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for the details and whatever else goes on there.



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Not bad. :)


Im to broke to buy a tablet

hmmmmm ok

s t o n k s


this was surely unexpected

i need tablet

i'm loving these! hope for some Mania mapping

Unexpected is one of the guy that actually "click the circles to the beat", not "zx the circles to the beat" owo

my cyberphilia is activated



Unexpected owo


wow, never heard about him but "Man or Machine" got my attention :eyes:

another Brostep artist pog 🔥

hyperjam music

omg cyberpunk composer


Heards Xnery

no one cares

Xnery Heards

quitting osu toxic community im going to play league of legends instead

AncuL Heards


