22 Mar 2021
Community Mentorship Program Spring 2021 Signups Now Open
by yaspo

Community Mentorship Program Spring 2021 Signups Now Open

by yaspo

It's time for your mapping spirit to spring back to life, as the 18th cycle of the Community Mentorship program is coming! If you've ever found yourself wanting to expand your current knowledge and skills or help beginner mappers get started, this program will serve as a great opportunity for you!

The Community Mentorship program serves as a place for upcoming mappers and modders to develop their skills under the guidance of more experienced mappers and modders in the community.

Over the course of a cycle, you'll have the opportunity to learn from your mentor, participate in various mentorship events (like mapping contests), hang out with fellow mentees, and more!

If you're experienced in mapping and have a desire to take those who are new under your wing, then give joining us as Mentor a shot! In the forum announcement and rule thread, you'll be able to apply right away. If you're only just getting into mapping or are eager to hone your skills, then signing up as Mentee might just be your way to do it!

For this following cycle, the timeline is as follows (all opening and closing dates start and end at midnight UTC+0):

  • Mentor signups will open on March 22nd and close on March 28th.
  • Mentee signups will open on April 19th and close on April 25th.
  • The 2021 Spring cycle will run from April 26th to July 26nd.

Throughout this active cycle time, the organization team will host various events on the Mentorship Discord server, engaging and offering events for mentees and mentors to participate in. These include feedback lobbies, mapping contests, and more! Some of our previous mapping puzzles can be found here in this thread, and previous discussions can be found here.

If any of this interests you or anyone you know, please go to our forum announcement and rules thread for more information.

We're looking forward to the mappers and modders of tomorrow!



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