by pishifat
Irreversible Mechanism crashes into the Featured Artist roster!
Holding true to their name, progressive death metal titan Irreversible Mechanism has been unstoppable ever since its inception. Immediately following an independent release of their first album featuring heavy instrumentation and a touch of neo classical sounds, the band was signed by the metal label Blood Music, through which they've since released their second album to even further success.
We've secured 14 songs from both of the band's records, mappers are free to venture and immerse themselves in the world created by Irreversible Mechanism.
"What can I expect from these maps", you ask? We asked a few players around rank #50,000 to demo a section of Into the Void mapped by Mazzerin to give you a quick taste (plus some previews of other songs):
Check out this osu! map by Mazzerin or this osu!taiko map by Raiden.
If you're not quite ready for carpal tunnel yet, maybe try this easier mapset by Platnuu!
Check out this osu! map by Gabdu09!
Don't forget what really matters here — everything above and more is primed and ready for mapping over on Irreversible Mechanism's Featured Artist listing, pre-timed beatmap templates included! And don't worry, we'll be releasing osu!arthritis medicine 30 years from now to account for the damage inflicted by these beatmaps.
That's all for this week! Check out the @osugame Twitter for info on our upcoming Featured Artists and whatever else is relevant to our circle-clicking colony.
See you next Wednesday!
This is the moment i have been living for