by pishifat
yukitani joins the lineup as our latest addition to the Featured Artist roster!
Parading an unforgettable persona through his self-designed costume, yukitani is the talent behind rhythm game inspired songs that he calls "Nerd" works. His long career as a player of music games has left a lasting impact on his music, granting his unusual songs a perfectly crafted rhythm game feel. With experience ranging from his debut in 2010's BMS OF FIGHTERS event to a front-row placement in CHUNITHM, yukitani managed to ingrain himself in his own community.
Short but sweet, we've snagged 5 tracks from yukitani's collection, all ready for mapping from their Featured Artist listing!
Older generations of osu! players might already be well-versed with yukitani's sound through a nearly 2-million-play beatmap of Kurubukko vs yukitani - Minamichita EVOLVED hosted by Cherry Blossom. Play the map for yourself or watch us run through it in the video below on 5 different osu! setups:
Check out this new osu!taiko showcase beatmap hosted by Reficul of the Mappers' Guild!
Take your excitement over to yukitani's Featured Artist listing to see what else is up for grabs. Songs are all available in pre-timed beatmap templates, so you can spend your extra time designing a freshly inspired costume of your own.
If you're done reading yukitani's infinite tweets about eating cheese naan with curry, check out the @osugame Twitter for more cool things you probably want to know. Our next artist announcement brings another classic map back to the spotlight, so stay tuned for that!