22 Dec 2021
New Featured Artist: PTB10
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: PTB10

by pishifat

PTB10 joins the ranks as our latest Featured Artist!

Hailing from England, PTB10 has been constructing his own blend of electronic music inspired by the vast electronic scene (namely rhythm game music) and a touch of film/game scores. In gaming scenes, he first entered the spotlight via the community-focused game Cytoid, eventually progressing towards commercial games like Cytus II, DEEMO, Dynamix, VOEZ, and many more!

8 mindblowing tracks are at your doorstep and ready for mapping from PTB10's Featured Artist listing.

PTB10 might be a new name to some osu! players, so you're lucky that Altai from the Mappers' Guild has prepared a showcase beatmap of PTB10 - Starfall. See how it looks when the cursor is replaced with a literal marble, then listen through the rest of the previews!


Try the map seen above hosted by Altai!




Swift Transaction


2021 might be on its way out, but PTB10's Featured Artist listing is here to stay. Check out everything above and the rest of these songs in all their pre-timed template glory.

Can you believe it? There's only one more artist announcement to go until the end of the year, and it'll be published on Christmas day. Stick to the @osugame Twitter to see exactly when it drops. Be ready.



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who dis

Well, I made a new Beatmap from PTB10. It's called Cirrus. Check it out: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1660284#osu/3389427


skyfyr6 Petey


what a cool preview

I laughed harder than I should've on the ending


bvcelectromusic takehirotei


final FA announcement of 2021! just 2 days away! final FA announcement of 2021 is in 2 days woohoo! I am so happy about this information. final FA announcement of 2021, just 2 days away oh wow! can you believe it, final FA announcement of 2021 just in 2 days! It got here so fast. final FA announcement of 2021! Just 2 d

where the cytoid bois at for the christmas man

skyfyr6 Luna Flina

I'm right here bro!!! this is awesome! PTB10 is finally featured in this game!

prowindexdrinkr Luna Flina


im betting that the last fa of this year is gonna be someone like inabakumori or xi

Alpha Green Mg epic man 2

This comment is kinda... The Legend Prediction!

789 epic man 2

holy shit this comment aged really well

how are people looking back on the comment this much because i just took a random lucky guess LOL

Zaike epic man 2

Holy balls you Nostra-DAMN-mus

whats a nostradamnmus

PINIDI epic man 2

o-o well umm, how?

epic man 2 PINIDI

it was just a lucky guess i suppose

TheeStruggler epic man 2deleted
epic man 2 TheeStruggler

i honestly dont know man lol i just guessed randomly

Telecastic epic man 2deleted
epic man 2 Telecastic


cool music

you are reading my comment

omg another featured artist that produces electronic music!!!1!!1!11!1!1!1!1!1!11 yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay i get to le epicle plae teche mapse!!11!11!1 and get de dopamine hits!!!1!!1!1!11!11!!11!1

SilentWuffer myarmsaaaa

cope harder


a ball on a table plays better than me :c


wtf you gotta explain how you made this video. do you just have a magnet under the table and are controlling it manually while trying to stay in sync with the map?

Ephemeral yashb

a byproduct of exposure to sick tunes for so long is control over magnetic fields, it's only natural that pishi can do this kind of magic given he's hundreds of artists deep at this point

epic man 2 Ephemeral

if hes hundreds of artists in then has he gotten people like dragonforce lol

yashb Ephemeral

oh... i see... it seems like i will have to go through the entire library of featured artists songs and maps...

idk what PTB10 stands for, but that's cool bro


idk what PTB10 stands for, but that's cool bro