by pishifat
Dive into the liquid beats by our latest Featured Artist T & Sugah!
Netherlands-based duo T & Sugah might be a familiar name to those who've been closely following the Featured Artist lineup. The pair runs their own label High Tea Music which we welcomed to the osu! library years ago, and by popular demand we've recently grabbed hold of even more T & Sugah hits!
12 striking drum & bass tracks are ready for a trip to the editor from T & Sugah's Featured Artist listing, including a whole bunch of their well-known Liquicity songs.
What could be a better way to experience T & Sugah's sound than a quad-map exhibit? Drum & bass fanatics Strategas and Zer0- have been hard at work creating some showcase maps specifically for this announcement, so give them a kudosu or two for their efforts.
Check everything out for yourself:
Experience this full-length osu! map hosted by Zer0-!
Or check out this osu! map hosted by Strategas!
Enjoy this osu! map also hosted by Strategas!
And finish things off with this classic OWC 2016 map also hosted by Strategas!
It's safe to assume you're already scrolling through T & Sugah's Featured Artist listing to find a song to map, so we'll spam F5 on the beatmap listing to see when your beatmap's ready. Any minute now. Any minute. Any. Minute.
Some of you might've noticed that our artist announcements never highlight the same genre back to back. Next week's artists are no exception of course, one of which focuses on a pop-vocal rhythm game sound, while the other is... a little too difficult to describe with words.
Stay tuned to the @osugame Twitter if you actually want to know what that means and we'll see you next week!