by pishifat
Begin your voyage into the endless unknown with our latest Featured Artist II-L!
Showcased in the grand finals of OWC 2020 through SPUTNIK-3 by DeviousPanda, II-L is the experimental producer behind the most rhythmically diverse music ever to touch the world of rhythm games. Best recognized for their self-defined genre psy footwork, II-L has been a household name among osu! players since their introduction, and is finally ready to take the throne as one of our Featured Artists!
We've snagged 12 of II-L's unforgettable tracks, most pulling from their unorthodox space-themed albums and the rest from a few other scattered releases (all available from their Featured Artist listing, of course).
Need a sample? Take a trip beyond the atmosphere with Ekoro's insanely impressive finger control play of SPUTNIK-3, then listen to the previews below:
Launch with this loved osu! map hosted by ktgster or this loved osu!mania map hosted by Elekton!
As per usual, even more songs are ready for mapping from II-L's Featured Artist listing, timing all done in advance! Rhythms may be a bit hard to grasp at first, so expect to utilize those not-so-common beat snap divisors and be yelled at by AiMod.
II-L's talent may be rare to come by, but luckily we've got another super talented artist coming up this Saturday. And yet another next Wednesday. And one more next Saturday. And... uh, you get the idea. Make sure you don't miss anything by watching over the @osugame Twitter and we'll see you soon!