6 Feb 2021
New Featured Artist: SECONDWALL
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: SECONDWALL

by pishifat

SECONDWALL jumps in as our newest Featured Artist!

A band with energy and emotion sure to get your blood pumping, SECONDWALL is a Tokyo-based rock group with a genuinely refreshing rock/pop sound. The combination of talent from their 5 member lineup and their heavy influences from both J-pop and international rock staples has led to a truly authentic and attention-grabbing sound from each of their works.

The band released their first album in 2018, from which we've snagged all 10 tracks!

Let's cut to the chase. You want to hear what you'll be mapping 5 minutes from now, so give any of these previews a listen (and give their accompanying maps a play!):

Boku wa Boku de shika Nakute

As seen in the video above, give this osu! map by -Aqua a try! Fruit catchers can also opt for this osu!catch map by Nelly.


Natsu no Owari

Or play this shorter osu! map by Seolv!


Beautiful Lie

Try out this osu! map by Cris-!



Check out this osu!taiko map by Volta!


Everything above plus a good chunk more are available right now from SECONDWALL's Featured Artist listing, all pre-timed for the convenience of your surely busy circle-clicking schedule.

While SECONDWALL may have disbanded just a few weeks ago, we hope to see their music live on and grow through the countless maps you'll be making!

See you next week with 2 more artists!



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Its soo good :D I wanna see more maps

estoy esperando como serán los niveles :)

I feel uneducated for not knowing this artist : (, it's really good aaaa


Would it be too much to ask for these posts to include the artist's socials?

Taevas sovy

The artist's socials are literally in their Featured Artist page



lets goo

love these songs!

frederic when


where the firstwall?

Really sad to hear if they have disbanded but their song really awesome!


AchsanLovers AchsanLovers

pls silent siren next

damn BWBDSN sounds really good


because maybe

Airiesu Yume Minami

You're gonna be the one that saves me

Physef Airiesu

And after all!

Jiysea Yume Minami

wtf SekairiNights



wtf no way

first floor

ground floor


ground floor