by pishifat
ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY takes center stage as the latest addition to the Featured Artist lineup!
A massive player in the doujin music scene, ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY is responsible for an ever-expanding library of rock and Japanese folk-stylized songs under the vision of accomplished vocalist and voice actor Mitsuki Nakae. Since its founding in 2007, the circle has produced 20 albums and continues to maintain its streak of unbelievably high quality tracks.
A hefty 59 tracks are up for the taking, including a bunch of new masterpieces and some oldies you might already know.
The ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY Featured Artist page has the full song list of course, but you can take a dip into this catalogue with these previews and a quick mapping/gameplay video of ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY - Shinsou Shintouron:
Try out this osu! map hosted by Lasse!
Play any difficulty of this huge osu! mapset also hosted by Lasse!
Celebrate the holiday a few months early with this marathon map by Hey lululu!
Check out the map in the video above by Lasse or this osu!catch map by -Luminate!
Every song above and a shipment of 50+ more can be found from ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY Featured Artist page. Maybe check it out? Here's another link to it. Take another, just in case. If you still haven't gone there, we're marking you as a lost cause.
It's been a while since we've seen a release as chunky as this one, but that doesn't mean we've run out of music to toss at you! More super talented artists are on the way, all of which you'll find on the @osugame Twitter once they're released.
See you on Saturday!
This is fucking poggers