by pishifat
Our newest Featured Artist Marmalade butcher hits you in the face with their innovative math rock sound!
Blending some of music's less conventional genres into their own soup of aural magic, Marmalade butcher is a next-generation hybrid band that took flight in 2010. Renowned for their complex sound that drifts away from the usual electronic vibe of rhythm games, this group is the ideal change for anyone and everyone in the osu! mapping scene.
We've secured 23 jaw-dropping tracks (all of which can be found on Marmalade butcher's Featured Artist listing), including a couple that avid rhythm gamers might recognize from pop'n music peace!
Marmalade butcher may have only received their first ranked map a few months ago, but their presence in osu! has been ever-present. Take a peek at the intensity of their tracks through a video of Marmalade butcher - Y/M/K/M, then try out any of the other awesome beatmaps further below:
Experience the beatmap from the video above hosted by Lasse!
See how Marmalade butcher translates to osu!mania through this beatmap hosted by Shoegazer!
Check out one of these masterpieces:
If you can't read this song's title, you're obligated to play this tournament beatmap created for The Perennial hosted by DeviousPanda!
Try this massive mapset hosted by Gordon!
Marmalade butcher's Featured Artist listing. There it is. Do we really need to say more?
Aaaaaaand that'll wrap things up here! Next week's artist isn't exactly an artist, so speculate however you'd like about what that could mean. If you're itching for more details, the @osugame Twitter will have you covered as soon as it's ready.
See you next Wednesday!