by pishifat
Shattering all expectations (and eardrums), rN enters the Featured Artist sphere.
Experimental artist rN is a producer unlike any other. Known for a catalogue of obscenely complex tracks starring a stylistic noise you'd never hear from anyone else, these works are an acquired taste that perfectly suits the highest ends of both difficulty and innovation.
Taking notes from primarily from fellow experimental creator Frums, along with chunks of influence from other extraordinary artists like Silentroom, BilliumMoto, Ice and many more, rN is a creator whose ideas compound into a never-before-experienced aural gems.
We've pulled 7 songs from their archives, all of which are freely available to map from rN's Featured Artist listing!
rN may be new to the osu! scene, but conveniently Mirash has a full difficulty spread of My Dearest Nightmare ready to be swallowed by players of all skill levels. Preview Frankie_'s attempt at the highest difficulty through this video and experience the rest of the previews for yourself:
And in case you missed it, play through this osu! spread hosted by Mirash!
The remaining tracks can be found on rN's Featured Artist listing, all with timing done in advance! Considering how many BPM changes some of these songs have, pre-timed beatmap templates will really come in handy. You're welcome.
Saturday's release is done and dusted, but another two artists are right behind the gates waiting to be let loose! Keep an eye out for everything that's coming up through the @osugame Twitter and we'll see you with another artistic treat on Wednesday!
yes for more tech!!