by pishifat
We're pumped to announce BlackY as our latest Featured Artist!
A rhythm game superstar who needs no introduction, BlackY has been producing hits for a decade with unstoppable momentum. His works slammed through the door of the music game scene in 2011 through a winning entry for a pop'n music competition, followed immediately by his critically acclaimed success in the KAC2012 Original Sound Contest, putting him on the map as a major contributor to the SOUND VOLTEX series going forward.
His sound covers a taste of everything electronic, from trance and hardcore to drumstep and future bass, all with the iconic ferocity that gives BlackY's music its distinct flavor.
To truly demonstrate what BlackY has to offer, we've picked up 100 tracks for their featured artist listing!
If you're unsure of exactly how much mapping potential this music provides, watch how world cup champion im a fancy lad plays through a variable-circle-size beatmap of BlackY - Double Pendulum hosted by rrtyui, or listen to these other song previews:
Check out this osu! set hosted by Rtyzen!
Try out this osu!mania set hosted by Sandolphon!
Play through this loved osu!mania set hosted by Valedict.
Give this osu!taiko set hosted by namaniku an attempt!
And maybe play this recently ranked osu!mania set hosted by Madoka2574.
Or try this single difficulty osu!taiko set hosted by iloveyou4ever!
Every song above plus way more than you could ever reasonably map are available over on BlackY's Featured Artist listing, all with timing done in advance (and with 100 songs available, that really means something!).
To all the statistic lovers out there, you'll be happy to know that we're now at 150 total Featured Artists! It's only been 6 months since we reached 100 artists and started on our two-artists-a-week schedule. Crazy, right?
That said, we'll be back again on Saturday for another round of "how are there seriously still more Featured Artists?", so keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter and we'll see you then!
my god.