by pishifat
Showcasing a whole bunch of talents, electronic label Tasty joins the ranks of osu!'s Featured Artists.
Okay fine, you're right. Tasty isn't actually an artist.
Tasty is a music label who's worked with a massive number of artists throughout the last 10 years. We've picked up a handful of their awesome songs for use within osu!, including appearances from familiar faces like Snail's House, Nhato, Laura Brehm, and a lot more.
What exactly is up for grabs? The full list of 13 tracks is available from Tasty's Featured Artist listing, so take a peek at that in case your favourite snack isn't anywhere in the previews below.
Speaking of previews, -Sylvari from the Mappers' Guild conveniently created a mapset for one of the lesser-known tracks in Tasty's listing: oneohkay - Last 7 Letters. See how a rank 60,000 player manages the map with the Easy mod through the video below, then bestow your eardrums upon the rest of these previews:
Try out the beatmap from the video above (with or without the Easy mod)
Considering there's waaaaaay more artists involved in this new artist addition, we really recommend checking out the artist's full listing. If the awesome music doesn't pull you in (which it will), you'll at least have access to super convenient pre-timed beatmap templates.
While today's release includes a bunch of different artists, Saturday's release will cover a hefty number of songs instead — specifically J-rock songs from an artist any osu! player surely knows. Look forward to that and keep tabs on the @osugame Twitter for an endless source of circle-clicking news!
Wait what?! Niceeeee