13 Feb 2021
New Featured Artist: ovEnola
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: ovEnola

by pishifat

Channeling only the harshest of harsh sounds, ovEnola joins the lineup as our latest Featured Artist!

Rumor has it that members of the 4 piece band ovEnola have been crafting their own brand of metal since before they could walk. That's what you'd expect at least, given the way they shred makes it seem like they have decades of experience. The band instead claims to have started thrashing in 2016 and released their first full-length album Left Behind in August of last year.

With 9 tracks available from that gem of an album, we're proud to provide more material to our insanely impressive metal mapping scene.

Noose mapped by BOUYAAA (one of osu!'s most prolific rock and metal mappers) provides a pretty solid example of how this music deserves to be mapped. Check it out in the video below, or preview any of these other tracks:

Mother (feat. Courtney LaPlante of Spiritbox)


Cry Me A River


The Wretched


ovEnola's Featured Artist listing is the place to be if you're looking for more of what you just heard. Each song is set up with timing built in, so you can skip the boring steps and dig straight into designing the next Promethean Kings.

Our next artist has been in the pipeline for a looooong time, so be sure to watch for the details over on the @osugame Twitter this coming Wednesday!



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click the nothing!

Welcome To Osu! ♥

Is today's FA announcement coming? It's surprisingly taking longer than usual..

why is the orange cursor clicking blue circles and blue cursor clicking orange circles lmao

i'm very proud of you ovEnola, keep it up and release some more awesome soundtracks, thanks you!

my fingers hurt already


Son Tung M-TP featured artist when?

just a osu play R E S O L V E D

4 years

Nitrokd R E S O L V E D


Lott R E S O L V E D

bruh, let me map some son tung m-tp songs and tell the vn mapping community to map them & rank them first
though the chance of him being fa is still very low

Zelzatter Zero R E S O L V E D
  1. Can you not asking for other artist here? Please appreciate the newly added one if you can.
  2. You know how expensive the licensing will be if you want to feature mainstream pop artist right?
Niva Zelzatter Zero

ngl tho in all fairness i don't think you should rule out any artist from being featured in the future considering that osu! has already signed up names that are really really big in their respective scenes such as Noisia or PUP lol

but yeah @R E S O L V E D if you really want to see someone to be featured rather than begging in other artist's announcement it would be much much much better (and proper) if you could post what you have in your mind in the "Suggest Artists to be Featured Here!" thread instead --> http://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/901723?start=unread 😔

once i saw the bouyaa map i knew

rlly nice fa


just a osu play TheKingHenry


Zenoc TheKingHenry


astronickad TheKingHenry


+3 Mazzerin's maps



kanocchi Xnery

said RankingCriteria

Chromate Xnery


