by pishifat
We're proud to welcome Aoi aboard as our latest Featured Artist!
Presenting a storm of rhythm-game-y beeps and boops, Aoi is a Japanese producer whose works can be found in all corners of the music game world like SOUND VOLTEX, jubeat, maimai, Arcaea, and MUSYNX — just to name a few. Inspired to compose music by rhythm game legend DJ YOSHITAKA, Aoi's tightly packed songs provide a canvas for timeless maps.
14 tracks are sitting at your doorstep and ready to be loaded into the editor. Your doorstep, of course, is Aoi's Featured Artist listing.
Need a sample? Resident new-age-tech-mapper-extraordinaire Realazy has you covered with a beatmap of Aoi a.k.a. ALFOU - Fluctuate (2020 Remaster). Check it out in the RGB-packed video below and (as always) listen through the rest of the previews!
Check out this insanely cool difficulty spread hosted by z1085684963!
Bash your keys to this osu!taiko map hosted by Faputa!
Try out another osu!taiko map hosted by DakeDekaane!
And in case you somehow missed it, play the map from the video above hosted by Realazy!
We've been watching you. We know this is exactly what you've been waiting for. Aoi's Featured Artist listing has more of the goods, so scramble over there and start mapping already.
That's all for now, but on Saturday we'll deliver yet another Featured Artist for you to shower with LET'S GOOOOOOOO and whatever else you can't resist spamming. Keep track of the @osugame Twitter for more awesome music announcements and we'll see you soon!