27 Jan 2021
New Featured Artist: Dimrain47
by pishifat

New Featured Artist: Dimrain47

by pishifat

Dimrain47 joins the lineup as our latest Featured Artist!

Pioneer of the internet age's electronic scene, Dimrain47 is a techno producer that just about every mid-2000s internet user is familiar with. Gaining his start on the Newgrounds Audio Portal through songs produced primarily between 2005 and 2008, Dimrain47's songs can be heard throughout tons of old-school animations, games, and websites like Particles, Castle Crashers, and a highly popular Warcraft 3 mod (plus some recent popularity in something called Geometry Dash, maybe you've heard of it).

With a whole 25 tracks, we've managed to grab nearly all of Dimrain47's discography, including timeless classics like Midnight Siege and At the Speed of Light.

There's a good chance this artist's music is older than some of today's osu! players, so here's some recently excavated footage of how a pre-historic player would experience these jams, featuring Kyshiro's beatmap of Midnight Siege:

Operation: Evolution

If you're looking for something more difficult, give this osu! set by Yukiyo a try!


At the Speed of Light

Check out this osu!catch set by ExGon or this modern osu! mapset hosted by fieryrage!


The Kriotube

Or maybe you'd rather give this osu!taiko set by xtrem3x a play!


Head on over to Dimrain47's Featured Artist listing to download some pre-timed map templates and start mapping any of these songs, plus a whole lot more! And by a whole lot more, we mean essentially every song he's ever released.

If you're looking forward to what artists are up next (which you definitely should be), keep an eye on the @osugame Twitter for all the delicious details.

See you on Saturday!



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dimrain's a legend to say the least

"maybe you've heard of it" gotta love the sarcasm LMAO

wow! i completely never acknowledged these featured artists things until now. and dimrain of all people.
(i also like how you hinted at the speed of light, it's so overused in gd)

The levels that had his songs were the reason I played Geometry Dash. What a legend.

the geometry dash takeover

Knobbleboy: ah shit Here we go again


I waited so long for this to happen.

GhostMary MaybeTartarus

i did athanatos lmao

BLOODLUST AND GD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yo bois
we have a new galaxy collapse

Yes!!! I waited for this moment, Dimrain47, now waiting for the remake of Bloodlust in osu

Generic Red Demon incomming.

Come on... Another Cataclysm Remake? Can we get something origional please?

Bloodbath a legacy demon? Bloodlust not even top 10? 2.3 STILL ISNT OUT??? Jesus christ wtf is even going on with gd at this point

First geoxor then dimrain holy shit am i dreaming

GD classic right here

Holy crap!! I used to listen to dimrain47 so much when I was younger, I would just sit on Newgrounds and listen to Twilight Techno all day haha

I love DImrain music! My favourite song it "The falling mysts"

okay, dimrain47 was not on the list of artists I expected to see here


veerry nice!


DAAAAAMN GD Artists are now incoming to osu! ? Nice At The Speed Of Light was the natural selection btw


holy shit they got the GD man

notannie Ticaronda


Kusoa notannie


bloodbath by riot




start playing Bloodbath

optimusZX QuesoVich

playing aftercatabath

starts having geometry dash flashbacks

We need F-777

2str8 NoViTa


NoViTa 2str8

Wait, really?

can we get a map of at the speed of light with a diff called bloodbath pls

hikidiggy AKAMER9



gd moment

gd moment

gd moment

The nostalgia from GD

