Everything just goes downhill and I'm NOT EVEN A MILLENIAL TOO!
I'm pretty much a Gen Z guy, but like even then I just get way too depressed from just looking at YouTube like 1 second...
And then tragic stuff happens...
And then I get disappointed...
It just happens everywhere on public where millions of people have seen this everytime...
Like for example this one.."You either die as a hero or you live long enough to become a villain."
Now I can't even think about the other quotes, but like these stupid "bad = real life" quotes are just making me feel just absolutely sick...
Another example (or something about like that..): "The less you know (Eugene), the better!" or like that the smart guys are always depressing or have faced some kind of depression...Like what even is going on?
Are the only happy people here just stupid?????
I just can't seem to avoid these quotes...
They are EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!
And I...I...I don't know what to do or what to say..
It just is TRUE!
And I don't want that...
But it's true, no matter how bad it actually seems." just a random person
I miss Sakura no Uta, ever since the DMCA incident it has been so silent. I no longer wake up to the beautiful sounds of Sakura no Uta, now it's just quiet and silent. I get up out of my bed and walk through the silent halls, devoid of heaven's greatest song, where I sit and eat a bowl of wheat flakes in silence, get ready for my dull workday, and make my way there in the silence that is a Sakura no Utaless world. I sit in the same monotone office cubicle, bloodshot eyes, red from my constant crying over the loss of Sakura no Uta and the dull dead expression from a life without which that I love. I go home, dull and without the will to eat or freshen up. I walk towards my room where the once Sakura no Uta-themed room of mine is now back to the dull and bleakness of yellow beige and white, as I sit in front of the only thing that is Sakura no Uta-themed left, my Shrine, I sit there and cry in prayer, hoping that one day it will come back to us, that Sakura no Uta will come back to me. As I sit there and pray and cry into the night in the silence of my lonely home, I get up and go lay in bed, such a dull bed of a dark blue blanket and a pillow, I lay there and whisper one more silent prayer. A prayer of "my beloved Sakura no Uta, please return to me my love" and I drift into sleep as I cry once. I dream a dream where I always hope to dream of a time I used to love but get nothing but nightmares now about my loss of Sakura no Uta and my loss of love. How I miss those days of joy and love with Sakura no Uta. How I miss Sakura no Uta
[✓] 1000 hours play time ~ Nov 2016 [✓] 100 billions total score - Jan 01, 2017 [✓] 100k playcounts - May 21, 2017 [✓] 2000 hours play time ~ Sep 2018 [✓] 3000 hours play time - May 10, 2020 [✓] 200k playcounts ~ July 2020 [✓] 4000 maximum combo - Aug 7, 2020 [✓] 2000 S ranks - Oct 8, 2021 [✓] 200 SS ranks - 17 Oct, 2024 [ ] beat all of my 2017 scores