If I see any reuploads of my deleted maps (and I do check those) I will be notifying the GMT/NAT to get them removed. You can ask me to reupload something if you REALLY want to instead.
2013-11/07/2018 - The longest running top 10 osu!mania player in Poland prior to 11th July, consistently in top 10 for around 5 years. 22/06/2014 - Joined Chart Assembly Team as o!m CAT 08-09/2014 - Took part in MWC 2014 as captain of 4K team (4th place) and player of 7K team (1/8) 27/10/2014 - Started Kami & Tidek's Dank Mania Modding Queue Took part in Christmas☆Queue 2014 Early 2015 - Became 8K map selector for osu!mania Tournoi Francophone 2015 13/01/2015 - Reached 100 kudosu 21/01/2015 - Joined FTQ 10/02/2015 - Got my first qualified map (Ranked on 17/02) 19/02/2015 - Closed Kami & Tidek's Dank Mania Modding Queue 18/03/2015 - Dismissal of Chart Assembly Team 10/05/2015 - Got first 9K map qualified in the history of osu! (Ranked as of 17/05) 08/2015 - Took part in 4K MWC 2015 as a part of Polish team for the second time (1/8) ~10/2015 - Taking part in MIT 2015 as 8K map selector mistake 20/10/2015 - Selected maps for September 2015 Ranking Chart 20/10/2015 - Started The Anti-Meta™ osu!mania M4M queue 09/11 - 31/12/2015 - Taking part in Christmas☆Queue 2015 17/11/2015 - Got over 100 >200pp scores 24/11/2015 - Joined Mania Modders Association 12/2015 - 02/2016 - Selecting maps alongside Starry- for 7K osu!mania World Cup 2016! 14/12/2015 - Surpassed 7000 PP 22/01/2016 - Became an osu!mania Beatmap Nominator! Around December 2015 (announced on 13/02/2016) - Joined Ranking Criteria Council as EU Mappers representative! 02-03/2016 - Selecting maps alongside Halogen- for his SOFT: osu!mania FFA Tournament 17/02/2016 - Surpassed 200 kudosu 09/03/2016 - Iconed 10th map (3 hearts, 2 flames, 4 bubbles and 1 pop) 22/05/2016 - 07/2016 - Taking part in Polish 4K Championships (5th place) 16/06/2016 - Cleared δ-6 (6th 4K dan) 07/2016 - 09/2016 - Selecting maps alongside Shoegazer for 4K osu!mania World Cup 2016! 07/2016 - Became one of the judges for Mania Aspire Contest 18/08/2016 - Surpassed 8000pp! 10/2016 - Joined the renewed Chart Assembly Team! 02/10/2016 - Got my 5th qualified map! (Osanana Blue) 01/12/2016 - Two of my maps (Osanana Blue and Dysnomia) were featured in the same ranking chart! (10/2016) 12/2016 - 02/2017 - Selecting maps alongside Evening and Blocko for 7K osu!mania World Cup 2017! 06/01/2017 - Got into top 500, gained 750pp in 3 hours, 813pp in the whole day, 9kpp and 9,5kpp goals!!! (https://twitter.com/kamikaze_pl/status/817373842670809088) 02/2017 - 03/2017 - Selecting maps alongside Tidek for SOFT2: osu!mania FFA Tournament! 25/02/2017 - Retired from Chart Assembly Team 03/04/2017 - Got 100 >300 pp scores! 05/04/2017 - Cleared δ-7 (7th 4K dan) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI_-KNB1Izg) 21/04/2017 - TOKIO FUNKA won the March 2017 Chart Spotlight! 08/05/2017 - Surpassed 10k PP! http://puu.sh/vJFmy/ad8045b4c4.jpg 18/06/2017 - Finished 3rd on osu!mania LAN tournament at GameON Kielce 2017 (got 6 month supporter) 08-09/2017 - Tok part in 4K osu!mania World Cup 2017! (Loser Bracket Semi-Finals) 20/08/2017 - Dismissed from Beatmap Nominators 10/2017 - Got #28 seed and got eliminated in Group Stage (L-L-W) of Rhythm Rivals 11/2017 - Became the osu!mania Loved Captain alongside Halogen! 12/12/2017 - Re-joined Beatmap Nominators after 3,5 month long hiatus! 01/01/2018 - Surpassed 11k PP! 02/2018 - Playing in Leni's Double Tournament with Hlimak, seed #21, dropped out in third round of loser bracket due to poor management 02-03/2018 - Played in Springtime osu!mania Free-for-all tounrmanent, seed #30, eliminated in playoffs 04-06/2018 - Played, commentated, streamed and refereed in Mistrzostwa Polski w 4K 2 (Seed #1, top 12 finish) 05-07/2018 - Co-hosted The Heptakey osu!mania Cup alongside stupud man & WalterToro 08-09/2018 - Mappicked once again in the 4K osu!mania World Cup 2018 alongside juankristal and Shoegazer 09/2018 - Participating in the PMC League, in both 4K and 7K divisions (link to the sheet with tables, matches and mappools) 11/2018 - Played in DeltaMAX's Mania Key Smasher 4K, seed #13 eliminated in group stage 11-12/2018 - Participating in 2v2 :thonking: 1-5K rank Mania Tourney as Captain of team Fanklub Mariusza Pudzianowskiego (Kamikaze, Miq, Nick Wilde, Triksu) (Challonge) Placed 4th overall 03-04/2019 - Participated in SOFT 4, seed #87, eliminated in playoffs (losing 0-4 against Daughter-) 06-07/2019 - Hosted Mistrzostwa Polski W 4K 3 alongside Benzopirene [/centre]
22/01/2016 - Became an osu!mania Beatmap Nominator!
20/08/2017 - Dismissed from BN, leave me alone w I became BN mostly to help the ranking process of osu!mania which is in ruins right now, but I also always have the highest priority on helping Anti-Meta mapsets, that is, everything that's not 4K or 7K. However I don't intend to do any form of requests. You can ask me to take a look at your map, but it's my privlege to not mod it if I deem that it's not ready, or just not something I want to promote. We are not here to work as your slaves and icon all your maps because you want to. If you want your map ranked, you need to ensure that it's so good that I will go "wow, this is really good!" when I see it. Impress me, not request me. Also please take a note that I'm not a robot and I can't mod all of your maps.
That being said, I also have some types of maps that do and do not want to support. I'll list of things I want and do not want in a map so you can know what to expect: -I do not take requests, mod or bubble any TV size mapsets unless it's a) multi keymode (at least 3 keymodes) or b) anti-meta (no 4K nor 7K) -I do not want anything to do with 4K mapsets unless they're a marathon or a very unique mapsets (Mostly looking for SV heavy maps) -Your map has to have 12 SP -Your map must be well hitsounded -Your map should (subjective) have a decent amount of mods -Your map cannot break Ranking Criteria -Your map should be fun -I do not want to mod any SDVX songs with effected MP3's -I may reject your request just on the basis that I don't like the song or I don't think your map is ready/it wasn't fun -Marathons in general have a greater chance to be modded by me -If you've got an icon from me within last 2 months, you are not going to get another one from me. I don't want to help only specific mappers, I want to help all pepole in need if possible
Disclaimer: If you PM me about BN request for a 4K TV size map you are bound to be ignored and possibly blocked if you continue doing that. I wrote this here to not get any requests of that sort. Look for someone else.
Edit 11/08: From this point onwards I am NOT modding ANY 4K maps unless they: a) are very unique (as in SV hell, noodles, very mixed marathons with ultra awkward patterning) b) are in a set with a very (VERY) good diffs of other keymode. Almost full stop on BN activities, only doing whatever I want on a whim.