man i really wish you tried to get this ranked, map is dope
vaxei LOL
Upload the old diff!!!
i need to find it first!!
I have the old diff right here
lov ed sooN?
I want to be euphoria
Bro wtf are you doing in this comment section.
going for LOVED?
when loved?
i thought drugs werent allowed on osu
this map deserve to be Loved
He FCed the Harder Euphoria...
i need the vaxei replay
why dead
did you wanted for me to rank this? i mean i could try but i am 100% sure it will not
Rank this
i mean i don't see why it can't be ranked that would be cool
pls try to rank this
Would be sick if you managed to rank this
if you do it, i tryhard is map
Yes, Do it my friend
a for effort
this map is incredible its so aesthetic and every note and stream is with the song in mind. i cant play it but i can still appreciate it i believe, amazing map
play it with relax if you want
uchi: "this was made with the intention to be hard to pass even for top players"vaxei: "best i can do is a 99.77% fc"
vaxei isnt a top player. He is the top
mr bacon <3
good buff
wow mr bacon
The bacon was extra crispyWTF UCHI, the map is dope
Based :3
Uchigatana: is a bit unbeatable.
vaxei: hmm this will take more than one try I guess :(
he FC'D IT U A
"hard to pass even for top players" then Vaxei FCs
yeah wtf it really should
vaxei hello???
Super sick jump part on this, honestly prefer that over the original lol
This is unfortunate that you intended to make it unbeatable but Vaxei actually fced the map HAHA
Is also so funny LOL
Vaxei literally has 800 fingers 😳
This is a certified Vaxei moment.\
-so is a bit unplaya-
this is truly a certified vaxei moment
this is fucked
vaxei go crazy
God bless Vaxei
what the actual fck vaxei
this was made with the intention to be hard to pass even for top players
that's how you know Vaxei on another level when he fcs it
vaxei how tf
this was made with the intention to be hard to pass even for top players...vaxei dude
unrelated but your pfp goes hard
wtf vaxei
Sup vaxei