Taiko BN Req in osu dm: Status refer to HERE If ur map is rejected please don't engage in a full length chat with me I really don't have that time to explain everything on each request Im sorry
GD: Taiko: Standard: Closed Osu mutuals can GD req me anytime
- I know how to map something other than a hard diff guys xd - TV Size > Full size - Generic: H > I > X > X+ >> N - Other: X > X+ = I > H >> N - I will consider your mapset's quality - I have song preferences (just don't request Death Metal or earrape) - Only for ranked - Just ask! - I dislike stalling, so I try to finish my GDs as soon as possible. This applies both ways so please don't stall my gd reqs :O) - I don't take more than 2 weeks to finish a gd
Passing |Shakunetsu? Candle Master? Tomoshi| 7* you aimed to pass when you are a 3* player - ACHIEVED JUL 18
Passing a ranked 8* - ACHIEVED AUG 18
Passing a ranked/loved 9* - ACHIEVED 3 AUG 19
Number of Ranked 10* Passes: 3
FC Justability - ACHIEVED 15 AUG 19
96%+ FC Above The Winter Moonlight - ACHIEVED 7 SEPT 17
FC Koko kara, Koko kara [Sora] +DT 7.3* - ACHIEVED 28 FEB 22
Highest Rank accumulation: #1400000 --> #800000 in 3 days AUG 17 - AUG 17
Highest Rate of rank accumulation: #160000 --> #59999 in 45 days (2222 rank a day avg.) AUG 18 - SEPT 18 #41260 --> #22100 in 15 days (1273 rank a day avg.) 24 JAN 19 - 8 FEB 19
Level 100 - ACHIEVED 3 MAR 19
Quickest 1000pp --> 4000pp-5000pp in 18days 24 JAN 19 - 11 FEB 19
Old About Me! message: Im not multi-accounting (Got accused of this dozens of times when i was 6 digit) I just(JUL 18) switched to tablet from mouse and it feels like flyingggggggggggggg
Oh by the way I think i have #9k aim but with #90k acc, which means im a trash player
Edit: I finally switched my old trash keyboard (IBM, YES. IBM) to HyperX Alloy FPS Cherry MX Red <3 and my accuracy is finally improving!
Update: 1/1/2020 Just realized the real reason behind me not improving at all for almost half a year... I've been playing the same maps over and over and building up muscle memories instead of improving.. well i guess this is one major downside of farming too much.. P Pog: