Thank You For Everything Inactive (will play again when I get the motivation to)
Special Thank to: Uone (Despite not knowing much about him he was practically my idol for taiko) Plasmusss Crhix Lishonne CCLUZZO THE STRONGEST Everyone in the taiko italian community Anyone else I faced in a tournament or Interacted with, There are too many to mention.
Sans Underman (The real one) Uone mutual on the 14/08/2023
Drop me mutual
The spoiler box contain informations you may or may not want to know, Your luck will decide whatever information you'll see first.
If you are here i suppose you want my settings and stuff or are someone from the italian community whatever let's get to the point: I use DDKK (SDLò). Skin: users/5321719 Go on the playstyle box and take the mix skin ver 1.1. (+D3kuu's skin hitsound) Screen res: 800x600. Keyboard: I don't know. Pc: Some random ass computer i bought 6-7 years ago i don't know honestly. Global Offset: 20
If you play cookie run kingdom, my account is Perrylands
Plasmusss carcerato
Do you think even the worst person can change, if they just tried?