Si necesitas ayuda con taiko, tanto como player o como mapper, no dudes en preguntarme. Estoy inactivo en osu, así que contáctame en discord si necesitas algo ^-^.
Inactive. Contact me on Discord if you need anything.
Inactive ≠ Quit. Just a period of uninterest in the game.
I've reached a point of confidence in my mapping and modding, but it's still always nice to receive feedback on anything I make. This allows me to understand different points of view for further innovation in my mapping. Be honest. As long as you are respectful, please never hesitate to express your opinions. Believe me, forced sympathy and forced compliments are the worst thing you can do. If you receive a mod from me or play one of my maps, please, be completely honest with me. Try doing the same thing with newer mappers, it helps them a lot even if you don't think so. Thanks.
The day before Christmas' Eve. It might look like an stupid achievement. Being #1 with barely 2k rank at the time just shows how dead the country was on taiko gamemode. But, believe it or not, this is my proudest achievement and one of the happiest moments I ever experienced on this game. During that time, the #1 was Arkano036, now sadly inactive but still an important member of the osu!Ecuador community and a really fun person to talk to. I grew up on this game seeing him as the #1, and he was the one who pretty much taught me everything I needed to improve, and most importantly, never give up. Funny thing is that when I became #1, I didn't took this spot from Arkano but from EvaZoid (now kleuren), a really veteran player that quitted the game for a while and came back just to play TCB tournament with Ecuador's top 4 and two more friends, take the #1 and then dissapear once again. It has been 2 years already, and till the day Im writting this (10/05/2020), at 959 rank, I'm still proudly holding this spot. I believe that one day someone will take this spot from me, and I hope for that day to come from the bottom of my heart. Until that day comes, I won't be quitting this game.
Ranked my first map: 18/11/2019
This was quite of a fun thing to achieve. Raujika-Grim wasn't even supposed to be my first ranked map. However, the availability of the bns made it rank before La Valde d' Amélie, the map I was aiming for to be the first. I will have to thank Raytoly and Komasy for this, both bns at the time. Ranking my first map after 6 months of gathering mods and improving myself as a mapper (probably remapping both maps like 3 times) was quite a challenge. I became the third person ever to rank a map in my country and second on taiko in my country. Etsu, being my mapping tutor and role model, made the two lower diffs on this map, which I'm extremely grateful for, and everything he has made for me. Etsu is the one that taught me the basis of mapping, and he is the one who always supported me during this journey. Etsu, thanks a lot for everything, not only for mapping related. Me alegra tanto tener a alguien como tú como mi amigo, y no cabe duda que no podré pagarte por todo lo que has hecho.
Became the first Beatmap Nominator of my country: 2/2/2020
My second proudest achievement. I became the first BN (and taiko BN) of my country, and I am still one the day Im writting this (15/05/20). Im currently one of the most active BNs, and vibing with the maps I check. I'm a happy BN, even if drama and stuff is always around. This is a hobby and I treat it as it is. I was not the first one to ever apply as a BN on my country though. Etsu tried real hard back then around 2018 but sadly system was way harder and tougher than it is now. He is still a great modder to this day, and I wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for his help. Once again, thank you. Also, thanks a lot to Ulqui, Capu and Cychloryn. These guys also helped me a lot on this journey for becoming a BN and one way or another supported me since the beginning.
Became 3 digits on taiko: 17/04/2020
Fun day. Watch my suffering and struggle at: Nothing much to say. 8 hours of stream. Also, this day Ecuador officially had all the #1 in every gamemode on the top 1k (3 digits basically, later on SrChispa would achieve 2 digits on std, what a beast, bien ahí mi pana), so that's kinda cool. Also officially became overranked since holy shit I still can't fucking play 1/6.
First profile badge on Ecuador: 21/04/2020
Mapping related. One day someone will achieve a badge tournament related (I suck at this game I doubt I would win one) but for now I think this is pretty nice as the first badge of my country. Mappers' Guild kinda OP.
Thank you eiri and Axer for nominating this passion project of mine. The map Im the most proud of, from the band I love the most. Stream Cuarteto de Nos!
As of 20/10/2022, this no longer is the longest taiko ranked map. Huge congratulations to Nokduro and their amazing 1 hour long map!
My first map to reach 10k plays!: 20/11/2020
MCA 2020 Modder Category #3: 07/08/2021
Thanks! I honestly didn't expect this, since 2020 was such a wacky year for me (getting kicked from the bng and overall being dumb). I'm glad I at least had a positive impact on this community
Loved Captain!:05/09/2021
Time to push sum cool maps B)
First map Loved Hardest Screenshot in osu taiko - 29/12/2021
First Map in TWC - 10/04/22. Finals HR1 TWC 2022, GD.
I've been around this game for quite a while; motivation is not at its peak no more, but it's always good to have some goals to come back to when the right time comes.
-Tourney badge.
-Rank a map in other gamemode.
-Map in TWC (custom or selected) - Done! 10/04/22. terminal gd picked for TWC 2022 Finals HR1. Now going for a non-gd?
-NAT -> After being kicked twice in my 2 bn tenures, this is an old goal. I wish I could feel the enjoyment I used to get from doing BN work, but now it feels like a waste of time. Maybe one day.
Endgame goals:
-Stop being the #1 of Taiko Ecuador.
-Play at TWC.
This are definitly the two goals that even if all of the above are achieved, will still force my stay in osu. I've been working on them since I became #1, promoting the gamemode to many players and aiding newbies on their journey. I've probably worked more on this than I have worked to improve myself as a player, but oh well. If you are curious enough, you could click here and here to see old rankings and compare them to the current. I believe some progress has been made, and I'm really happy about that!
If you read everything, thanks for wasting your time on it. Don't feel bad about it, I'm also that kind of stalker that enjoys reading user profiles and stuff. It's entertaining, I guess...?
Despite all of the separations and eventual downfalls, I love you, osu!Ecuador. I'm not as active on the game nor in the community as I used to be, but I will always cherish all the memories I have with y'all. I will also not forget to make my monthly message in the discord server XD
Taiko dude. I'm kddk, semi-alt (I think? I change play/tapping style depending on the map). G815 is my current keyboard. My peak rank as of my lastest profile update is #641. REWORK!!! 10k pp, peak rank 607!