Former mapping mentee of Noffy and BN mentee of Dada.
Nakagawa-Kanon/dksslqj RLC Andrea Saten moph Ekoro Lesjuh DJPop Reiji-RJ Star Stream banvi Krisom Gamu wcx19911123 Gero Mafiamaster Leader val0108 Mismagius S i R i R u Hellzero BoshyMan741 Luscent Beomsan
Open for GD requests, if you have a touhou map with BN's that needs a beatmap skin hit me up though.
If you would like to GD for one of my sets, just shoot me a DM and I'll consider it.
You are free to use any of my skin elements for your beatmaps, just make sure to credit me in the description/tags. Also feel free to tell me if you use any of my skin elements, don't be shy to message me! I want to encourage more players to turn on beatmap skins and encourage mappers to make cool skins for their own maps.