I'm resigning from BNG after I finishing what I promised until now so Closed for BN requests. Please remind me if it takes me too long to reply to you. I check all the comments about my maps! Thank you for all the praises & critics!
i won't judge for any mapping contest or attend one that requires collaborative mapping, no matter when it will happen
ill ask myself if im interested in the above
please don't ask me for mutual, online or offline, unless i know you. if you don't know if i know you, i don't
you can take my graveyard stuff for rank, just make sure to 1) check if it is ranked in another set already and 2) ask me first because i may revive them in the future
if you want to borrow assets from my map you can just take it; however, if i stated in the description that someone else provided the asset you want to take then please ask that person instead
if these don't answer your question, send me an osu pm with your question(s)
-- 1 warning 事前警告 -- remapping is common for completely new mappers so be prepared. 一般來講remap是新人mapper飛圖的必經之路,所以要做好心理準備。
-- some hacks 幾條捷徑 -- don't start from mapping anything > 6*, because it may be hard for new mappers. 盡量不要一開始就做6星以上的難度,因為新人可能比較難做好。 avoid any overlap (self-overlapped slider included) except stack/stream. 除了stack和串,拒絕任何形式的疊(包括拉自身重合的滑條)。 use simple (i.e. have less than 5 points) slider shapes. 使用簡單的滑條形狀(拉五點以內的滑條)。 use geometric patterns for intuitive "loud sound = larger ds/faster sv" patterning. can refer to this pic (chinese alert). 構造以幾何為基礎的梗,它很便於用來做大多數人習慣的“重音=大間距/快滑條”的排版。不嫌棄我字醜的話可以看看我很久之前畫的東西(簡體)。 map lower diffs as "boring" as you can and always refer to rules/guidelines in ranking criteria & most of the ranked lower diffs. 盡量把低難度往“無聊”了做,做的時候RC和大部分飛了的低難度diff可作為參考。
1 Discord server: 華人Mappers Area 3 QQ groups (language is mainly Chinese): newbies - 537090608, newbies but more active and on topic (and more toxic) - 876806164, boomers - 637975464
mapping assignment (1), alevi insane, fiery lost, own projects
i need to rank another dorchadas slider because latianne redeemed it on twitch -> here and 02:08:634 (1) - in this too -> here and an amogus slider too (fuck you mybuthoel) -> ye 00:12:823 (1) - in 4142757
Tips if you want to apply for a (standard) BN / 考standard BN的一些注意事项 (16/12/2023 update: see underlined parts)
-> BN application is always open now, but if you fail for once you need to wait another 90 days to apply for BN again, so please get ready when you want to join the party. - 现在bn申请长期开放,不过如果一次申请不过的话必须要等60天之后才能再次申请,所以请做好充分准备。 (!!!) Never use aggressive words in your mods and never try to force mappers to apply your advice, and NEVER BE A DICK AT ANYWHERE. - 不要在摸里使用攻击性的语言,不要强迫mapper接受你的建议。 (!!) Prepare backups of maps you modded, which would be useful during your application. - 给你摸过的图做一个mapper改前的备份,申请的时候有用。 You must have >150 kds and mod 3 maps. - kds必须大于150,必须摸三张图。
(1) All your mods must be written in English. (don't need to care too much about grammar issues, though - the point is you need to let people who checking your mods understand what are you saying) - 所有摸必须用英语写,不过也不用太纠结语法词汇一类的错误,重要的是要让查你摸的人看懂。
(2) Make sure you have pointed out every unrankable issue by quoting corresponding terms in Ranking Criteria: Mapset Verifier (MV), aimod are always your good friends. Besides, don't forget to actually play the map you are modding by yourself, so you can discover something that is absolutely unrankable but cannot be catched by MV and aimod (for example, misplaced 1/2 notes into 1/4 - multiple unranks happened because of this already) - 摸图第一步先用Mapset Verifier (MV) 和游戏内置的aimod找unrankable的问题。(写论文或者摸新人图的时候)最好引述对应的Ranking Criteria条款以说明为什么你提出的点是unrankable的。这点非常重要,向评审表明你对RC了如指掌是一个巨大的加分项。除此之外,一定要去亲自玩你摸的图,这样你就会发现一些MV和aimod发现不了的unrankable问题(比如明显的本来放1/2圈的地方因为各种原因unsnap到了1/4上 - 已经有好几张图因为这个问题被直接unrank了)
(3) For each specific concern, write (a) why you think it is a problem and (b) how this problem can be solved. - 每条摸要走提出问题 -> 分析问题 -> 解决问题的三部曲。(顺便,千万不要做类似blanket教程这种假大空的东西,多分点笔墨在分析和解决问题上。)
(4) Please pay more attention to pointing out more substantial issues that pertain to things like consistency, intensity, structure, etc. and try to avoid nitpicking too much. This usually shows you understand well the mapper's intention. - 要注意细节上的东西不要摸太多,尽量去在更大的层面上去提问题,比如一致性(consistency)和图整体的强度(intensity)分布和结构(structure)设计有没有问题。这点一般表明你对mapper想要做什么有一个整体了解。
(5) Adding pictures to help others to understand if necessary; it's also the easiest way to make new mappers to understand your advice. - 当你觉得你英语解释不清楚东西的时候,上图。(这也是让新人mapper最快理解你目的的办法,建议用osu自带截图功能(默认shift+F12),想用puush、imgur或者s-ul.eu等等图床也可以)
(6) Pay more attention to mod low diffs and spread reasonability since they can well reflect your comprehensions on Ranking Criteria. For lower diffs, quote rules and guidelines in RC to analyze them & evaluate your statements; for spread, usually you can justify yourself once you've gotten enough experience - common problems include active rhythm in lower diffs are significantly harder than higher diffs, the gap between 2 adjacent diffs are too large, a portion of a single diff is way too difficult, etc. If you somehow want to quantify the spread reasonability, you can be profited from the difficulty curves presented in the "Overview" tab of mapset verifier. (This point becomes more and more important nowadays too, attention that unless mapper has valid enough reasons, the guideline would be considered as rule in general. If you're not sure, ask experienced BN/NAT, or me) - 把注意力多放在低难度摸和整体spread的合理性上。低难度:建议结合Ranking Criteria的rules和guidelines来分析是否存在问题。spread:基本上凭经验,比较关键的常见问题包括低难度的节奏明显复杂过高难度、某个难度难过低它以及的难度太多、某个难度里某一块太难等等。想要量化的话可以结合mapset verifier里的overview - difficulty曲线图来初步观察aim/speed的难度曲线在不同diff之间的过渡是否平稳,以及单个diff的难度曲线是否存在高得不合理的区间。(这一点最近也开始变得非常重要,要注意guidelines只有mapper有非常充足的理由时才能被打破,否则一般情况下按rule来看待。如果不确定的话,可以询问有经验的BN或者NAT,也可以问我)
(7) Tips: shift+enter to line feed in modding v2. - 在v2里用shift+enter来换行。
My submitted mod posts during BN test, for possible reference: 1 (backup) | 2 (backup) | 3 (backup) | 4 (backup) Check the "Common Mistakes Among Modders" box in Naxess' userpage for some other remarks.
word processor: >>> call me back once you lighten the nominate button for me ♪ (used to copy-paste) >>> https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4363969553 >>> Let me know if you find any grammar issues in my user page/posts (written in any language), thanks! that can help me to learn different languages better. (thanks: Seulgij, Teky, TheKingHenry, Ashton) >>> òwó is the cutest emoji among the owo family >>> This is the best std map ever, if you don't agree I'm :3c:ing you >>> If I read your pm but don’t reply to you that means “I understand” if I think “I understand” isn’t enough I’ll reply to you >>> Go to learn quantum physics if you haven't >>> What's the most important thing about mapping? There's no one correct answer to this question, but you must find your proper answer. If you don't have one and you don't even want to find one, you might be lost >>> oh i can only put less than 60k characters here
archive: ask for a mod - here is my super simple policy: (1) no meme song; (2) no songs that are not licensed in osu whose composer is a featured artist; (3) your set must be completely finished; (4) request less frequently than one map per week; and (5) talk is cheap, show me the map.
assuming you have read all stuff above, you can now safely... waiting for me to finish my thesis and then ask a mod from me (after 5/7).
some other stuff that you might want to know too: all mods would be in english so please specify if you want other languages (CN and little JP & FR), but english is still highly preferred.
thank you for reading such a huge wall of text, hope you have a wonderful day.
(tell me if you play them too so I can add you, maybe) play/played 2019.11.27~ Final Fantasy XIV (FF14, China DC: 猫小胖区,海猫茶屋,ID碎辰之凶 / JP DC: Mana-Titan, Ryuusei Aika / NA DC: Aether-Faerie, Ryuusei Aika) 2022.6~ riichi mahjong (mahjong soul - 110571019 & tenhou - rsaika & riichi city) 2016~2020 メルクストーリア (Mercstoria, 検索コード: qemdku9) 2019.2~2019.12 万象物语,已经不玩了(スドリカ/Sdorica, Android bilibili server 2019.10.24~2019.11 SEVEN's CODE (ID: 428437173) 2017~2021 偶像梦幻祭(あんさんぶるスターズ!!/Ensemble stars!!), Basic only, ID: gs5dfdap 2021.10.13~2021.12 Elsword (NA, ign: Unicorne)
i am chinese but live in france for study, hence all the memes
i love kemono (japanese furry) arts but i won't imagine i'd become one, aka i won't have a fursona/fursuit etc. however i don't mind anyone joking about it