another 400pp play that ISN'T from the rework or obama scramble god i hate this so much 0 gold S ranks top 50 ranked score rank another map or two become a better person
OST marathon map split into 4 parts Full spread full size of this A multitude of small songs ranging from 2:30 to 5:00 with full spreads (these are "secret" but im open to these)
USARTT #2 (Team quit w, knocked to LB in QF, eliminated in SF) USARTT #3 (Team WATEFAK is going on, knocked to LB in RO16, eliminated in F) 5USC: (Team Pennsylvania, knocked to LB in RO16, eliminated in QF) OQC2: (Team h, knocked to LB in RO32, eliminated in RO16) 5USC2 (Team Pennysylvania, don't remember much)
As Staff:
USARTT #2 (Playtester/Replayer (only for GF tho lol)) FHT3 (Playtester/Replayer/Ref) Broccoli Cup 2 (Playtester/Replayer/Ref) Unicorn's Scuffed Tournament (Playtester) Hard Rock Cup 2 (Ref) Hitomi's Hidden Extra (Ref) osu!UBC Sunset Series 2022 (Ref) Brocolli Cup 3 (Mapper/Ref) 5wc2024 Minor League (Ref) 5usc3 (Mapper/Ref)