我没有设目前的状态。不管是送客串难度,还是摸图、帮忙下音效或测量时间轴,你都可以直接私聊问我。一般情况下我都会接。最近很忙,可能不太会接。 I didn't set the STATUS. Whether you want me to make a gd, mod your map, make a hitsound, or check the timing, you can PM me first. In normal cases, I'll accept. I'll accept occasionally, but don't be shy!
如果你在做华语歌曲,或者你曾经在我的谱面内帮助了我,我会优先考虑并尽全力解决你的需求。 If the request is about a Chinese song, or you helped (nominated, modded) me with any of my maps, you'll get the prior ticket. and I'll do my best.
避雷小提示:做图讲究一个互惠互利。我可以无条件帮助你,但请不要使唤我。并且,请尊重我和我的劳动成果。 Avoid offending tips: I like to think of a win-win in mapping. Even if I can help you unconditionally, I'm not always available. and It's important to respect me and my work.
不接椎名林檎的歌曲,因为她的歌我实在是欣赏不来。谢谢。 No Sheena Ringo requests. thx.
某麻婆的主页——写给西恩马平圈的话 A Chinese Mapper's profile —— something to Chinese osu! mapping community.
fushimi Rio isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a mapper with such setu and big breasts? rio puts the game to another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a mapper with his heipi and shit map for the game again. Hailie breaks records. hw breaks rules. rio breaks the game. You can keep your statistics. I prefer magic.
那一年的上场机会是肉蛋葱鸡对超级聊天最后一战,主办最终选择了夺得六分的超级聊天。 当时我看见TB战神Guozi on Osu前辈颓坐在椅子上,泣不成声。 这个画面我永生难忘。 那一刻我在想,如果我能成为MP5最强滴软壳,我一定要赢下所有上场机会。 如今机会近在眼前,我必须考虑这会不会是我此生仅有的机会。 我们滴软壳如今已经失去了上场机会两届(SC、S12),而它曾属于我们滴软壳五届之久。 所以夺回曾经属于我们东西的执念,要比单纯守护住它强的多。 重铸de荣光,吾辈义不容辞!
guozi on osu skilled players but that is not normal, This is very very insane...They need to check his pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this can seems on the game screen...He needs to check up on....guozi on osu FPL Cheater with Streaming.....I think guozi on osu still cheating...ign using game deficit on the PRO scene, ON BIG Events. Maybe everyone doesn't know his trick. He is incredible...I want to ask him where is the command of his skills?