Q: "Who are you?" A: Name's Stephen (Steven). I'm a 22 y/o software engineer in the US. I like metal and EDM.
Q: "Why Tactix?" A: No reason. I came up with it when I was 13 and thought it sounded edgy. I’ve stuck with it ever since because I’ve always hated it when friends and people I knew changed their online names every day of the week and suddenly I had no idea who the fuck you were.
Q: “Who’s the dude in your banner lol” A: Christian Valentin Brunn, AKA Virtual Riot, my favorite artist.
Q: "Why do you have so many medals?" A:
Q: "How do you get the medals anyway?" A: There's a website with the solutions for every medal, along with tips and comments and stuff that you can reference. You can also join the Medal Hunters discord for advice and such.
Q: "Why is your playcount / hours / profile accuracy so high?" A: A long time ago when I was like 12 I used to play geometry dash (cringe in retrospect), and the mentality of "retry unless it's perfect" carried over to this game where I've been a retry-spammer since day 1. It's probably one of the major reasons I never got anywhere skill-wise.
Q: “Why do you have so many pinned scores?” A: To me these are my top plays, that’s all. It’s not necessarily that I think they’re all amazing scores that deserve to be showcased, but I feel they’re more representative of my skillset / playstyle than my “top 100” that’s chock-full of random farm garbage.
Q: "So what the hell do you do now?" A: Well I stopped playing the game seriously in 2022 so these days I just play casually. I play songs/maps I like, try to achieve simple personal goals / medals etc. I've been thinking about going for map completion in my free time though. Mapping is still an interest for me but it takes me so long to map that it isn't wholly feasible to put out anything on a regular basis.
Q: "I saw your name online elsewhere, is that you?" A: Probably. My username isn't all that common. I compete in Smash Ultimate these days so if you see my name floating around it's probably me.
Q: "We're looking for a teammate for this 5 digit / Ohio / tech / etc. tourney, are you interested?" A: I appreciate all the offers I get in this regard but no, sorry. I don't play this game at a high level anymore.
Q: "Do you still mod maps?" A: Yeah kinda. If the song aligns with my interests I'll check it out in my free time so don't hesitate to shoot me a DM about it.