Supporter: - 1 month, 4 months, and 2 years: anna(Seriously what the hell lol) - 2 months: UndeadCapulet - 1 month: electricbullet9 - 1 month: Anon (I suspect this to be grimy)...
If I know who you are and you added me, ask me for mutual or you probably will not get it. Also, send any inquiries about restrictions to - I have nothing to do with them
Dan Courses for My Maps Inspired by Starrodkirby86's list, I put my maps together into difficulty tiers by skillset theme. Intended for players that want to be ready for anything.
210+: For players that want to be masters of tapping speed/stamina while not getting gapped by all of the other potential difficulty elements in a map.
Altish: For players that want to experience unconventional 120-160 bpm aim control patterning.
Reading/Gimmick: For players that get bored easily if they aren't pouring hours into learning maps.
August 2017: Stopped playing competitively (for rank and tournaments), resigned from SMT Admin.
October 2017: Joined the Beatmap Nomination Group (BNG) on probation.
November 2017: Became a full member of the BNG.
December 2017: Joined the osu! Spotlights team.
January 2018: Joined the United Beat Knights of the Ranking Criteria (UBKRC).
May 2018: Commentary of MCA 2017 Results.
July 2018: Kicked from BNG.
August 2018: Resigned from the osu! Spotlights team, indefinite hiatus on tournament staffing.
December 2018: End of my first attempt to quit the game, which was extended due to not having internet as a result of Hurricane Michael. Turns out all I needed was a break. Joined Corsace Open 2020 (then 2019) Mappooling Team.
AngelHoney - Stream designs, harsh slider/stream entry, wide angle jump usage, overall slider arrangements. Had I been a bit more self aware during when pishifat did his mapper influence poll, I would've probably put him on there, since even though I haven't directly tried to copy him, I see a lot of similar movements to him in my mapping, even earlier on.
Hollow Wings - Overall design, mastery of gameplay elements. Not much to say here, she's in a plane of her own.
pregnant_man (Jounzan, EvilElvis) - Double BPM style, highly varied patterning. All of my double bpm mapping is influenced directly by him, though I tend to take his non-geometric/asymmetric patterns.
Fia (PinkHeart) - High speed circular cursor movement.
Seijiro (MrSergio) - Mentor in the Community Mentorship Program. He laid the foundations of my understanding of modern mapping.
UndeadCapulet - Showed me many things about cursor movement, helped me get closer to my end goals, influenced my outlook on maps.
blissfulyoshi - First mapping teacher. Helped me get from "first time in the editor" to a semi-functional map, especially in movement.
Okoayu (Okorin) - Hitsounding, introduced me to looking for subtleties in maps.
anna apple (Pyroflayer, [alt][f4], borborygmos, bor, pyroflayer, _83, 102335, HalfsIashed, Meat Inspector, imbor, blacksocks, big fan, Irresistible, I love apples, Lego man, In your heart, type 1 if cute, Free Hong Kong) - Showed me how SV works with spacing, as well as clarified the entire concept of cursor pacing to me.
If I didn't like the map when you requested it the first time, I definitely wouldn't like it the second time. Nominations are based on my judgement, not yours. Discord is an unofficial medium that I use for enjoyment, so I didn't want "official business" making its way there.
Content Filtering
Don't send me any set of a song shorter than 80 seconds.
Don't send me any set where the top difficulty is below an Insane difficulty.
I didn't want to bother with sets that had no potential for something I'd enjoy, so that rules out sets without at least Insanes. I also don't think that songs that only support maximum difficulties lower than that are good for rhythm games. Songs below 80 seconds are usually memes/video game sets that don't offer any content i'd want to nominate anyways.
Rule Protest
Do not send me any sets with taiko/ctb/mania diffs (including hybrids).
I was only qualified to nominate standard maps, so this is mainly addressing hybrids. I hate the hybrid system for the following reasons: 1. Standard mappers abuse it to push controversial and/or low quality content. 2. Rules are convoluted 3. Quality checks are less thorough due only one BN checking 4. In the case of mania and catch, this hurts their game modes.