Thanks pishifat for introducing me to the wonders of mapping!
I would like to thank MrSergio for enduring me and my poor mapping to make me who I am at mapping.
Kroytz I would still be a scrub if you didn't point me in the right direction. Thanks!
The maps which has inspired me the most: All of these maps are the ones which have inspired me most, especially as a player. As I came from CS:GO, where the emphasis was on aim, I wanted to play something with the same intense changes in movement a FPS would provide. I never knew I wanted it until I had it, which was what these two maps gave. CS3 allowed weird snapping movements, while being perfectly playable, while the high bpm allowed it to stay interesting even when rhythm needed to be nerfed to make it playable.
Personal Values while I map: (I'm weird)
If a pattern cannot fill the screen, it is not a climax.
If a player cannot feel you sweeping up their cursor with your fast sliders, it isn't fast.
If you can't play it, don't map it.
If the song's emotional response cannot be expressed, don't choose it.
Fav mappers:
Regou - Mapped some of my fave maps (Asian Distractive)
pishifat - Taught me the basics through videos, and mapped some of my fave maps (Disparity by Design)
Hollow Wings - God like mapper. No explaination.
ProfessionalBox - Cool dude, and maps well
Skystar - At this point he is a meme, and a meme I aspire to
FreeSongs - Mapped some of my fave maps (Touhou Hisouten)
fieryrage - Mapped some of my fave maps (Guilty all the same)
Skin 23-Aug-17 - Changed cursor. Old one felt too plain. Skin 03-Aug-17 - Changed combo colors to match theme. Skin 09-Jun-17 - Changed section pass and fail to something better Skin 12-Mar-17 - YUGEN skin with HP bar, section pass and fail, and follow circle wrenched in