7 Nov 2017
New Featured Artist: MOtOLOiD
by Ephemeral

New Featured Artist: MOtOLOiD

by Ephemeral

Featuring some living legends of the Japanese music scene, we're proud to announce the latest addition to the roster of osu! Featured Artists - MOtOLOiD! This is a particularly special release, with six brand new, already Ranked beatmaps available for you to enjoy, and a brand new medal to hunt!

We're super excited to announce MOtOLOiD's presence in the osu! scene as a Featured Artist label, bringing the expertise of four of their highly acclaimed producers with them - namely baker, Hige Driver, Yuyoyuppe and more.

You might recognise a few of these names already if you follow the scene, if you don't, you're bound to hear about them soon!

We have nine assorted tracks from four different artists available for your mapping pleasure, all free to use in osu!.

Here's a sample of a few, complete with maps already made and ready to play - simply click on the image to head straight to the listing:

Yuyoyuppe - Emerald Galaxy


A bridge into symphonic rock hits and a hint of metal, Yuyoyuppe of Vocaloid fame stretches his producing muscles to create something entirely new, and enthralling. Mapped by pishifat - check it out here.

baker - For a Dead Girl+


Deceptively entrancing, baker's musical mastery is plain to the ear in this fairly progressive track, featuring the vocals of Megurine Luka. Don't let it catch you off guard - things get heated in the second half of the song, and you might not see it coming! Mapped by handsome - check it out here.

Hige Driver - I Wanna Feel Your Love (feat. shully)


Thumping house-style beats and overarching club synths mix together with shully's rising voice to create an experience that leaves you longing for more. Mapped by Delis - check it out here.

Hige Driver - Miracle Sugite Yabai (feat. shully)


Featuring Hige Driver's signature chiptune sparkle set beside shully's lyrical mastery, this track is sure to get you swinging. Mapped by Milan- - check it out here.

Hige Driver - Palette


A remastered take on Yuyoyuppe's timeless Vocaloid classic, Palette features kickin' drum 'n bass backing lines set to a new vocal imagining. Mapped by Jounzan - check it out here.

baker - Kimi ga Kimi ga -vocanico remix-


Electronic, Vocaloid and baker. What more needs to be said? Warbling synths set to a thudding, drum 'n bass inspired backline and accompanied with Vocaloid.. vocals, this one's an osu! classic in the making. Mapped by jonathanlfj - check it out here.

All of these tracks above are courtesy of the enigmatic Mappers' Guild, who will undoubtedly be revealing their presence and purpose to the world very soon. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

You can download a full pack of all six beatmaps here. Completing all six of the maps listed in this post will also earn you a shiny new MOtOLOiD beatmap pack medal, so get to it!

There's also three brand new tracks that have yet to be mapped, available at the MOtOLOiD Featured Artist listing. Give them a whirl, or try your own take at the six tracks listed above!

As with all Featured Artist tracks, everything available on their Featured Artist listing is free to use in osu! for mapping purposes. Worry less, and map more!




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Ope High Diver <3 so excited to try this tonight


Cool songs.

that explains the bg changes

oh man these are good tracks

Hige Driver, yuyuyuyuyuy, baker, thats 3, wheres the 4th?!

huu Monstrata

Hige DriVAN is the 4th.

This circle also includes DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING & DJ Powerless.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Yuyoyuppe and DJ"TEKINA//SOMETHING the same person.

when luis fonsi featured artists?

i need hyuji <3


So I guess CTB, Taiko and Mania Mappers weren't informed of this?

Kasumi-sama Backfire

other gamemodes are being bullied

nope dope

Cielbami Backfire

whaddoya think?

juankristal Backfire


Backfire juankristal

Seems we never are.



huu Shadowa Pinkman

honestly please no


When Igorrr? ;w;

Who cares.

dokuro_piko tatatat


tatatat dokuro_piko

“November 2017” why are you bringing up such and old comment. zzzz

My opinions have changed.

Atomosphere tatatat

some people in the community.

Hige Driver



Rikuka -Atri-


KNOWER when? :(

Nifty Joe Castle

preach it my man

peppy Xinnoh

they are all ranked. also you can click the graphics to get directly to the beatmaps

osu! needs camellia



camellia when

Lulu- AncuL

never as long as he has contracts w/ konami

Kunky Lulu-

Dw, he'll be trapped here with all of us soon enough.

Oscyy AncuL

soon I think


soon I think