5 Dec 2017
osu!idol 2017 Finals - Community Voting Results!
by Flanster

osu!idol 2017 Finals - Community Voting Results!

by Flanster

Another year of osu!idol to an end. With a spectacular 12281 votes in total, this beats last year's voting by a lightyear! Thanks everyone for taking part in the community voting! Now let's get to what we're all here for - results!


Congratulations to this year's osu!idol - Renril! Their performance of Mafumafu - Rinne Tensei has gathered a total of 7207 votes which places them in first place! In second place we have Will Stetson's performance of Kaai Yuki - Ikanaide accumulating 3344 votes! Third place goes to Thievley with their performance of Flyleaf - All around me netting 1730 votes! Applause for the outstanding talent from our winners.

Here are the MP3s to the performances.


It's been a pleasure to experience another great year of singing talents. A big thank you to the community for making all of this possible!
By all means it's not over. We'll be back again next year to bring you more musical goodness. Don't forget to drop by our Discord server for chat, karaoke and the imminent announcements for next year's installment. That is all from us for now! See you again soon!



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I gotta say that I like all of them, even though I voted for Renril. All three made amazing covers that actually made me feel happy(for some reason ._.), but really, they did great.

how do I get into this and what are the requirements to enter

where is namirin????????

Wait, Thievley is a GIRL???

I like how everybody just went for the japanese songs despite not understanding a single thing.
I liked all the songs but voted for Thievley because i knew you damn anime fanatics(not excluding myself tho) would vote for the japanese songs

Gronkh animexamera


nobibo animexamera

How stupid can an individual be?
"Oh yeah, you damn anime fanatics just go for the japanese songs despite not understanding a single thing", yeah that's DEFINITELY how it was. I'm not saying that Thievley is a bad singer, but her performance wasn't even close to the other two imo, especially Renril's performance was so much better.

Voor animexamera

wowowowow totally not because of the vocal ability of the singers right? Jesus, the fact that you voted for a song that's English just to say "Ye XD I'm n-not like you filthy w-weebs XDXDXDXD" is just as bad if not worse.


very good :D

the artist names are switched around

someone need to map those songs.. >.<"

xenonius pyan kouhai

i could try

7207 votes...


gucci gang

I'm trying to understand why nobody has mapped Rinne Tensei it's such a banger

WithoutSaber ProfessionalBox

Shameless advertisement

Klaymore ProfessionalBox

Right?? I would if I knew how lol. It needs to be done for sure.

Elcheer ProfessionalBox

Map Renril's cover then

ecks dee

Nowaie ProfessionalBox

Poke me if ya are doing it (and need a gd). That song is awesome

Tanomoshii Nekojou ProfessionalBox

you do it .w.

Male vocalists forever in second place

Elcheer CptHampton


Flanster CptHampton


thankyou so much guys! this gives me more confidence to sing more _(:'3 」∠)_

-M A G I C- quu-zie



Dorukon quu-zie

I am new can someone explain what you got?

MiniSebas993 quu-zie

your voice excites me ;)

MiaSakuragi quu-zie

Your voice is incredible~!

Shii quu-zie

Congrats! You're on my hitlist for songs/artists to map :)

REUSE-ABLE quu-zie

your voice is too... nggghhh....bootyful
i'm addicted to your voice now .

jonanaht quu-zie

Have you made any other covers so far? I would really like to hear more from you, your voice is just amazing!

nice! Renril deserved.


