10 May 2017
Aspire Stage Two: osu!taiko Begins
by Ephemeral

Aspire Stage Two: osu!taiko Begins

by Ephemeral

As the osu! beatmapping world still reels from the thunderous conclusion to the last Aspire contest, it is time for the osu!taiko community to take their very first steps into the unknown, featuring the sound of Function Phantom!

A contest where no limit is sacred and (almost) everything goes, Aspire is the premier "no-rules" official beatmapping contest.

Earlier in the year, we saw some of the osu! community's most skilled mappers battle among the sombre tones of The Solace of Oblivion, producing some of the craziest entries we've seen thus far.

It is now time for the osu!taiko community to show the world what they're made of. And as the osu! stage began with someone familiar, so too shall the osu!taiko community begin their contest with a track and artist that we are excited to reveal:

Enter Function Phantom - Algebra.

(If you've been following things as of late, this means exactly what you think it means.)

A four and a half minute descent into the sound of rhythm gaming world-wide, Algebra will test the technical expertise of osu!taiko's bravest mappers.

The trends set in this contest will dictate the course of every osu!taiko Aspire stage to come. No pressure!

The rules are as follows:

  • This contest is for the osu!taiko mode only.
  • The osu!taiko Ranking Criteria DOES NOT APPLY to this contest in any capacity whatsoever.
  • You may submit ONE difficulty to the contest OF YOUR OWN CREATION, be it collaborative or otherwise.
  • The map you submit may be of any difficulty tier you wish, though Aspire contests are generally for Expert (5.25+ star) tier and above.
  • The map itself must be able to be passed (note: NOT fc'd) by a human player without using difficulty reducing mods of any kind.
  • The drain time of your entry must be at least 70% of the song's total length.
  • If your entry has no additional assets (hitsounds, backgrounds, etc), it MUST BE SUBMITTED AS A .osu file.
  • If your entry HAS additional assets such as storyboard assets, hitsounds, etc, it MUST BE SUBMITTED AS A .osz with a size NO LARGER THAN 20mb. Accounting for the size of the track, you have roughly 16mb of asset space available for use. Extensions may be granted upon request via forum PM to Ephemeral.

As how Stage One worked, this contest will be judged by a combination of double-blind community voting and the expert opinion of a judging panel weighted equally against each other. Keep your audience engaged and the judges awed, or you could lose it all!

We will aim to provide a livestreamed feature displaying the competitive entries received alongside expert commentary from renowned and established osu!taiko community members as well.

The top three maps voted for shall receive:

  • 1st place: 6 months of osu!supporter, unique Aspire 2017: Stage Two profile badge, a osu!news showcase featuring their winning entry and an Elite Mapper: Aspirant forum title (or special incrementation if they already possess one). The map shall also be enshrined as an Aspire class Approval map forevermore.
  • 2nd place and 3rd place: 3/2 months of osu!supporter, unique Aspire 2017: Stage Two Honorable Mention profile badge and their mapset gifted the Loved status.

Entries will remain open for 32 days from the date of this post. Get cracking, and check the contest listing for more details and a dedicated countdown if you're uncertain.

Use everything and anything at your disposal. This is no ordinary beatmapping contest.

Download the pre-timed contest .osz file here and get started!

Enter your creation over at the contest listing!



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how can you map an 4minute aspire taiko song ....................... how many timing point will that be ....

Waiting for the maps, I'm very interested on how people make Taiko more interesting

Aspire mania when?

i never thoug this day would come

Uh, kinda interesting to do another Aspire now when all the mad tricks you can use won't work in the new client at all.

How would it work doe?

Does the diff submitted have to be Taiko only, or can it be reviewed as a Taiko convert?

All of those shitmaps are finally gonna pay off, hopefully.


Why not using Featured Artist's songs?

Ideal Amatsukaze-

they kinda are
if you know what i mean

the song is hype-able but its soooo long

Ideal houjitsun

im sorry its not your generic anime op ill talk to the staff to change it ------------- _-

Lolsebca Ideal

just do an anime out of it

16MB of storyboarding and hitsounding *heavy breathing*

Really excited to be able to break ALL these Taiko Rules!!!!

Xeo Monstrata

lets, give it a break yeah?

taiko another 700pp+ map incoming ?

Oh man, Taiko time now?! Cant wait for mania :D


I'll make the worst one since that's what it's all about these days.

Google: "can you make a dab slider in taiko"

Love OzzyOzrock

no one will understand, sux

imma milly rock in dis crap

Shyguy OzzyOzrock

u can skin in the mascot dabbing..... o sht

katacheh wins by default ....
Where is my bike to get off >_>

Surono xtrem3x


u dem papa Extremo~ >w<

at least put a song that wasnt already mapped in standard

How to make map that you can't even pass?
Well, it's time to try.

Rikuka Kurokami_

How to make map that yu can't even pass?
Well, it's time to try.

Kurokami_ Rikuka

Ah, that taiko jokes... ^-^

Lolsebca Rikuka

how to copy a comment and get more upvotes than the first one?
Well, it's time to try x)




Surono Y O U T A


the winner is ..........(fill the blank)

Surono pronet12



Rikuka pronet12

Katacheh plz

not don pronet12

top kek :p

Inb4 1/8s and sv change drops

Nifty carnivore101

inb4 someone worthy of being in an aspire map (????)

yo could we get some decent judges??? only BN/fluent english speakers can apply while not a single one of them tried to map stuff like this before wth (or almost, tasuke is definitely suitable), this does not respect ranking criterias so from there BNs are already out of the field

Raiden Nofool

implying BNs only have knowledge about maps that follow ranking criteria...

Nofool Raiden

seems like being the case for most of them looking at their maps 🤔 wasnt the point of my comment anyways, what i meant is that this kind of contest clearly needs more variety in its judges

Stefan Nofool

Good thing nothing in your comment makes sense!

Idk how could you make a aspire map in taiko :thinking:

what about tringles for taiko maps? o.o

pretty sure firce win this one....
if not, it will be either nwolf or sand or sayaka

Vulkin Arcubin

saya quit ;_;

how do you slider animate in tako '_J'

Surono Arzenvald

pls check katacheh mep u dem

i sure can't wait to see the 1/8 pp doubles everywhere when this gets ranked lololol

Ideal Catgirl

1/8 doubles? ha, expect same beat doubles if anything


You can definitely yolo in a HUGE storyboard. MariannE is 11MB.

Aldwych Yuzeyun

The gimmick has spoken

Yuzeyun Aldwych

the .osu in marianne is like 300 KB with the SB so it's even more lightweight than one thinks

8MB in the file is occupied by the mp3!


is there even a way to map taiko the wacky way? never seen or heard one. this should be good

Arras Sh1ine

Taiko lets you do just as much, if not more wacky mapping than Standard since every note can have their own approach speed. You can also overlay 0-length sliders on top of notes to change their colors, there's
storyboard stuff you can do... just look up some gimmick charts like Lunatic Rough Party or MariannE.

Algebra 2000

not don lawkichun369

Creator: OnosakiHito

alright it's time

Weird how I haven't seen anyone complain that "this should've been the Aspire 2017 standard song". Expected there to be at least 1.

Regardless, I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. Maybe I'll finally be introduced to wacky Taiko mapping. Good luck everyone!

this should've been the Aspire 2017 standard song

"(If you’ve been following things as of late, this means exactly what you think it means.)"
oh boy

Pennek -kevincela-


Seijiro -kevincela-

Oh boy indeed

good luck katacheh!!!

Vulkin Nishizumi

dont forget fantazy
both of them i wish them good luck owo

Vulkin Vulkin

and wish good luck to everyone else that joins this


Warfu Firce777

oh shit

Vulkin Firce777


Niko-nyan Firce777

do this one please blah master

Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting with only don and kats

"(If you’ve been following things as of late, this means exactly what you think it means.)"
inb4 Function Phantom as a featured artist

Sounds very cool,but i can't even imagine how this will be mapped in taiko

xEchoAlertx Thomas Papillon

Almost certainly it'll be a bunch of overmapped 1/6 and 1/8 to every weird sound effect, especially in the chorus. It'll be silly, but probably fun to play.

Lolsebca xEchoAlertx

exactly wat i plan to do, so let us upevotu

Thomas Papillon xEchoAlertx

As always


Zing OzzyOzrock

As a student of Abstract Algebra I am well suited for this challenge.

osu! taiko aspire
the next is osu!catch soon

[Ping] Furdek

mania too

Arzenvald Furdek

how do you slider animate in ctb '_J'

Why not? :^)

Furdek [-Moonlight-]

I glad i can wait that

Surono [-Moonlight-]

but how...... ?!?!?!?!

inb4 exgon


but how...... ?!?!?!?!

inb4 exgon