21 Aug 2017
Yuzu's New Look Contest
by Ephemeral

Yuzu's New Look Contest

by Ephemeral

Intimidated by Mocha's explosive popularity, Yuzu is putting out a call for intrepid artists to help him discover his new look! Like to draw? Think you can make Yuzu shine like a diamond? Read on to find out more!

osu!catch might be one of our smaller gamemodes, but Yuzu isn't content to let Mocha reign in the limelight forever.

It's time for a refresh, and we're trusting it to our amazingly talented community artists to make it happen!

There's a few things to keep in mind, however. This contest is about giving Yuzu a new look, not redesigning him completely. We want to keep some things the same, but the rest is up to you!

Who is Yuzu?

Yuzu is the osu!catch mascot. He's most commonly seen in the base game skin, holding up the catcher.

The official colour for osu!catch is blue, and thus Yuzu's primary colour should be blue in your character design as well.

His skin should be skin coloured, though. Not blue. When we say blue is his primary colour, we mean in his design, not in his skin.

Yuzu is male, and a teenager. While we're all about new looks, he needs to stay as both of those things and not magically become anything else.

Any special features?

The main theme we are aiming for with the osu! mascots is coloured bangs.

This should be the centrepiece of your character design in some way - Yuzu's bangs should be unique and recognizable compared to pippi and Mocha.

Any entries without unique, identifiable bangs will be disqualified. Super important to take this into consideration when considering a new design.

Yuzu should always be recognizable as Yuzu regardless of what form he's in or what he's wearing, even if he's wearing nothing at all. A flashy outfit is good, but a flashier character is even better.

Yuzu is also moving around a lot, perhaps the most of all the osu! mascots. Giving him features that portray motion would be an excellent idea. Characters with long hair often have no difficulty expressing emotion. Characters with short hair usually use props or an element of their costume to achieve the same thing.

What's this about props?

Props are great, as pippi and Mocha have demonstrated. Yuzu would very much like to have one as well. You should create some sort of key prop that helps make Yuzu identifiable.

This can be something like a headband, a wristband, a sleeve tag, facial scar.. a medallion, anything like that. Mocha has her bandaid, Yuzu needs something too.

Tattoos are not okay, though. Yuzu isn't into those.

What about his personality?

Yuzu doesn't really have a personality at the moment. No cohesive backstory has been made, and his current look doesn't really give much of a hint as to what that can be.

Design Yuzu's new look with an emotion design in mind. Imagine a brief backstory and try to visualise Yuzu's emotions and interactions as they'd show in your illustrations.

Breathe some life into his character.

Can I add anything else?

You could consider something like an assistant or a sidekick. 2B from NieR: Automata has Pod 042, so why couldn't Yuzu have his own assistant too?

Perhaps a floating plate, a cat holding a net, or some nifty gadget that helps explain hyperdashing are all things you could consider.

This is a little different from our previous osu! mascot design contest, where we asked for a full redesign instead of a refresh. To clarify, Yuzu's going to remain Yuzu, but he's going to look a lot better after this is all done.

Interested in giving this a shot? Head on over to the contest page and submit your take on Yuzu's new look.

The contest will remain open for 31 days from the date of this post - you can check the contest listing for a handy countdown timer if you're unsure.

We'll be putting all of the prospective entries that meet the criteria we've laid out here for public voting. The top three entries will receive 6, 4 and 2 months of osu!supporter respectively.

When choosing Yuzu's new look, we'll consider the weight of the community's votes in the top choices, but we will ultimately choose who we feel best suits what we're looking for. First place in the votes might not become his new look, but we'll definitely keep it in mind!

We're excited to see what people come up with. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and ask!



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When you realize a week after submission that they meant DIFFERENT colored bangs

Traps are not gayz ecks dee

Hope to see inspiration of creating better look for Yuzu : )

are you preferring like a transparent full body pic or like a full on concept with backgrounds?

i may play CTB more if yuzu look more girly


Follow your heart.

I dont understand english very well but need to draw it like "in-game" or just like a splash art?

NoWyre Hasaki

Just an image to submit, doesn't have to be "in-game". I think it's more about concept art than a drawing for actual use in game.


I thought it was a girl asdjgkfbidsjkgbsdgj


good bye my son I hope your recreation is that of legends


I bet that at least 1 person will draw Yuzu as Ryuuta or at least with his clothes

5 years i played ctb and still dunno, who is yuzu?

That guy in the current default skin that probably killed ryuuta.

Yukaa- Nuuskamuikkunen

nvm, i used the old one.
and now i just knew it lol

Hey Eph, here's a question: Can I like... put some hoodie over his head? Or must the hair be 100% obvious? xd

flyte Legendary101

would the character still be recognisable without the said hoodie?

p r o b a b l y

n o t

And here I thought Yuzu was a girl.

facial scars are ok but not tattoos :thinking:

its a hint to make him have an abusive family member from his past.
He killed that family member with fruit and now has a passion to catch em all

Oh wow, this Catch the Beat mode looks cool!! I can't wait to play it once!!!1

>inb4 21st gets picked

Guys, keep in mind Yuzu has to stay as a boy so we can make a harem anime about the mascots

Can I draw on paper and take a picture of it or somethin? (I guess not)

I have a little question... Are artificial body parts allowed in the design? I mean, robotic arm, leg, an automail or something like that.

Before: https://zigi.s-ul.eu/Z5XAkRln
After: https://puu.sh/xgb7W/dc2cad...



Since when was the default fruit catcher a boy? It looks like a girl even in the zoomed in pictures. I'm so confused.

i didn't even know yuzu is a dude


The osu dev finally realised that characters that aren't lolis aren't popular...

What's up with Yuzu's left hand http://i.imgur.com/pheFhyP.png

Is he the guy from Jojo's with two right hands

Vulkin Smolpox

he's probably copyRIGHTed
kill me


hooray for the possibility of less boobs

I dont need a makeover .-.

Kurokami [ Yuzu ]

No, you need boobs


oh my god yes

does the pic have to be that big, so it can be on the game menu? idk that can i do it as high as i want
someone teach me how to speak English

Alchyr [ 57 Pixels ]

it seems more focus on concept/design change rather than art for actual use



hayate13 Celektus

traps are gay bro

Jyzark Celektus

I fuckingly agree with this, make him a trap and everyone GAY

Cory Celektus

traps are fUCKING GAY


Ryoid Celektus

NICE IDEA! :drolling:

bring the taikonator references

Let me see Yuzu with his plums out >////< (haha fruit jokes...)




Vulkin Naimae

why not ahegao

Flanster Vulkin


I'm still drawing stick figures.. can I enter?

If there are people in DeviantART that make "drawings" and furry hentai with paint. Probably yes.

blue... light or dark tho?


blue... light or dark tho?